The online racing simulator
LFS and real world driving
(11 posts, started )
#1 - Navid
LFS and real world driving
who is proffessional driver in real world here? i want too ask him that howmany LFS is like real world driving? is it realy good simulator in your opinion?
pleas explain about it
#2 - Jakg
Quote from Navid :Hello
who is proffessional driver in real world here? i want too ask him that howmany LFS is like real world driving? is it realy good simulator in your opinion?
pleas explain about it

this has been discussed before and the general consensus that apart fromt he tire grip issues (due to be fixed in the april patch) it is very realistic, but i cant really say as A. im 14, and B. ny experience of sims is NFS:Porsche (mmmm, now i know every single car! Yay! im a Porsche fanboy!)>NFS:U (my ride is da shizzle)>GPL (! i am the best driver in the world (as i completed NFS:U) yet GPL is so hard! Ergo, GPL is unrealistic!)>CRC (Cross racing thingy made me cross!)>nK (the namie one, "this looks like crap")>LFS (Yes! Sim Nirvana!)>nK Pro (demo "how the hell to start the car? oh **** that!" >LFS (feels good to be home!)>Racer (bout to give it a try to quell my anticipation of the LFS patch!)

Anywho, enough of my ravings!
Oh My....
Quote :nK Pro (demo "how the hell to start the car? oh **** that!"

hilarious kids
There are several people here with real life racing experience, and I think all of them agree that LFS is very good. This is likely to improve with the impending patch. However, go on any forum and you will find real racing drivers preferring other sims. Why is this you ask?

Well, sim racing doesn't allow you to experience the forces acting on your body, and this is substituted by different things in different sims. Some one might feel that a particular way of doing something is better than another way. Want tends to happen I feel, however, is that people think the cars that are easiest to control in the sim must realistic, as driving in real life is easy. This is a mistake - if you could drive a real car without feeling any forces I bet it would be very difficult to control, and very easy to spin out.

Some 'sims' seem to boost the grip, or allow more longitudinal and lateral grip combined (so you can floor it out of corners with gay abandon) to compensate for the lack of feel. LFS doesn't do this (present tyres accepted). If you run out of grip capacity there's no 'extra' cushion of fake grip to help you. It's the reason why so many people love LFS, but it's also the reason people think it's like driving on ice (again, current tyres accepted).

If you get used to LFS (to the point where you can FEEL the tyres squirming, something NO OTHER sim attempts to recreate) then you'd be hard pushed to enjoy a current rival sim. If you give up before getting used to this you'll probably always prefer the less realistic but slightly more (initially) rewarding experience of other sims.

I've not done much driving of my F3 car yet, but the initial feeling is that LFS is very very good on most aspects. I await the new LFS patch, and more real F3 time, with baited breath. Other racing cars I have driven have been historic cars like Fulvia's, and they seem to have similar handing traits to the FWD cars in LFS, but as the age gap is huge a viable comparison isn't fair really.
#5 - Jakg
Quote from silent_wind :hilarious kids

last time i saw clicable cockpits was M$ Combat Flight Sim, but i did eventaully get it started, but decided it wasn't really worth the effort of trawling RSC for an hour to find out how!
#6 - ajp71
My Dad has been racing a standard Morgan +8 for 20 years and a Van Diemen RF90 (former Formula Renault converted to F4 spec with a 140 bhp 1600 CVH with wings + slicks) for 3 years.

His thoughts on various sims:

N2003 - His first sim racing try particuarly likes the CTS Truck at the 'ring, he's done many laps there took him sometime to get into it and he definatley feels it's to leniant on grass and kerbs otherwise good.

GPL - He likes the 65 Brabhams but had difficulty getting used to trailing enough throttle under braking.

GTP - Currently loves the Jag @ Silverstone.

LFS - tried the FOX at AS National didn't like it at all. He spun several times at low speed and said it was nothing like his single seater.

nK Pro - Tried the FF1800 @ Newbury and loved it said the FF was very realistic, had no problems getting use to it and was soon doing 1.04s after a couple of laps.

His mate has been racing single seaters for longer he's tried a few sims:

GPL - Loved the Mclaren M7 @ Mallory sturggled to get to grips with it but still loved it.

LFS - tried the LX6 @ AS Nat and liked it then tried the FOX and hated it.
LFS is the only sim that allows me to drive intuitivly. If I'm oversteering, opposite lock actually accomplishes something in this sim. Actually, the forces felt through the wheel promote the need for opposite lock in that scenario and comes very naturally. The suspension in LFS is top notch. This is a sim, all the others feel like games to me.
#8 - J.B.
I'm not professional but I have raced, my feeling is that LFS is about as good as a game gets. In terms of realism, it isnt and no game ever will be.

The problem is g-forces, most race drivers I think would agree that you feel through your bottom - but you dont notice it until you play a computer game and it's missing.

A scratched visor on screen would help too !
I compete at a very grass roots level. Well, I did last year but I can't afford to compete properly this year.

LFS is the best sim I've come across. I think the FWD cars are more realistic than the others. I also think the road tyres are more realistic than the slicks. IMO the FXO is the most realistic to drive out of all of the cars in LFS.
I like LFS a lot and have been driving it for a very long time (over three years) but I can hardly say that it is as real as a car can get...

I have some experience with my car (1988 VW Golf GTI 16V) at Estoril Track (I am a flag marshal there ) and the most similar car in LFS is the GTI and I can say that general feeling is good but there is something missing as in LFS if the car is understeering you can correct that with more steer but in my real car that don't happen that way.

Apart from that no other game/sim gives me more fun to race online (or offline for that mather ) but I think I will have to love the same way my two babys: LFS with this new patch and nkpro after stefano get the online right...

LFS and real world driving
(11 posts, started )