The online racing simulator
Asphalt Warriors Tryouts!
(4 posts, started )
Asphalt Warriors Tryouts!
Hello, LFSERS! After a long break and reconsideration of our direction, AW has decided to start recruiting again! We will be forming several groups of serious drivers to represent us in leagues. As of now, our focus will be on recruiting open wheel drivers. On Friday, February 5th we will be having tryouts for open wheelers. Basically, there will be two sessions to fit both US and UK/AU time zones, but drivers may join either session regardless of where you're from, we are doing two sessions just for convenience. The first session will be at 7:00pm Central Standard Time (Time Zone is GMT -06:00). The second session will be at 7pm Sydney, AU time (Time Zone is GMT +10:00). Both sessions will be held at the (AW)ProFox server. The format will be open-practice on a variety of tracks so we can evaluate drivers on different track-types. The things we will be evaluating will be:
-Clean/respectful driving (this is an absolute must)
-Tire Management
-Ability to drive safely in traffic
-Accident avoidance
-Awareness (paying attention to admin instructions)

During the course of these sessions, we may ask you to do different things such as group up with other drivers, run X amount of laps on a single set of tires, run a hot-lap, things like that. We may also at times put barriers on the track to test your situational awareness. We also may drive in front of you erratically to test your crash/damaged car avoidance.

All that being said, we plan on having a lot of fun with this, and that is the most important thing here. If you are not interested in joining AW, you are still welcome to show up and enjoy yourself, just make sure you let the admins know ahead of time what your plans are, and make sure you pay attention to what they are trying to accomplish with other drivers at all times. It would help us greatly if you would post here and let us know if/which session you plan to attend, but it is not required. I have posted a GMT map below for those who need it. See you at the track!
Looks like the gif link is broken.
I'll come but FOX isnt a hot point for me :/ anyways trying wont hurt

Asphalt Warriors Tryouts!
(4 posts, started )