Homemade laser device blasts 50 mosquitos per second
Quote from Article @ Slashdot :*Technically speaking, the mosquitoes will not be fried in the final product. In addition to potential danger to other occupants of this system's effective bubble, it is planned for deployment to very poor areas of the world where electricity will likely be at a premium. As a result, they are also experimenting with the minimum amount of energy a laser strike must possess to render the mosquito infertile, because that interrupts the cycle necessary for Malaria transmission between humans.

That's a shame! I want the most powerful version.
Burn, baby burn, disco inferno
burn, baby burn, come burn that mother down
burn, baby burn, disco inferno
burn, baby burn, come burn that mother down, burnin'
#4 - TiJay
Saw this on Slashdot, burning mosquitos in 720p is quite cool. But where are the pics of the actual machine?
I need one. Fast.
#6 - 5haz
IMO a rolled up copy of Autosport works well enough.
Quote from 5haz :IMO a rolled up copy of Autosport works well enough.

Can only get one every few seconds, though, max.
Thats epic, wonder if there would be something that automatically aims the laser at mosquitos ... damn, that would be a revolution
Quote from 5haz :IMO a rolled up copy of Autosport works well enough.

Its bloody hard tho!

Its like a daily workout before bed trying to get them.
#10 - 5haz
Quote from DevilDare :Its bloody hard tho!

Its like a daily workout before bed trying to get them.

Indeed it is, sometimes the bastards a so big they take a few bashes to kill them, or they sneakily hide away only to come out again as soon as you go back to bed.

Its more fun than having a laser do all the work for you.

What the heck happened? Up until 3-4 years ago the mosquitos here were tiny, then we started getting the huge ones like they have in Spain that are big enough to put a saddle on, I blame the damp summers.

Quote from DeadWolfBones :Can only get one every few seconds, though, max.

Oh ye of little faith.
the big ones dont suck your blood though theyrej just annoying through the sound the stupid things make when they try for the millionth time to fly through a wall
That's because the "big ones" that "don't suck your blood" aren't mosquitoes at all, they're crane flies.
Craneflies are the most pointless animal on the planet. The larvae kill grass, the adults dont do anything, and they don't even provide food for other animals as they're so toxic that nothing will touch them.
it smells like some kind of secret governtment agency will take this dude's idea and turn it into a huge human killing laser device.

#15 - 5haz
Quote from wheel4hummer :That's because the "big ones" that "don't suck your blood" aren't mosquitoes at all, they're crane flies.

Nah I've seen some mosquitos that definately aren't near big enough to be crane flies, but they're huge as mosquitos go and they make the annoying noise.
Quote from Crashgate3 :Craneflies are the most pointless animal on the planet. The larvae kill grass, the adults dont do anything, and they don't even provide food for other animals as they're so toxic that nothing will touch them.

im all for killing off anything that refuses to wear its skelleton where it belongs anyway
Quote from 5haz :Nah I've seen some mosquitos that definately aren't near big enough to be crane flies, but they're huge as mosquitos go and they make the annoying noise.

Yes, but they still suck your blood.
#18 - Osco
it appears that they have a lot in common with women then :hide:
When they build one that also does Star Wars sound effects and fits on to a hat, they've got a customer.
lol at the guys saying this is cruelty against "animals"
#21 - 5haz
Mosquitos deserve to die because they're out to get us and steal our blood (at least the females are), they are not innocent cute cuddly animals.
Quote from Crashgate3 :Craneflies are the most pointless animal on the planet. The larvae kill grass, the adults dont do anything, and they don't even provide food for other animals as they're so toxic that nothing will touch them.

That's not true. Crane flies are a course of food for birds and bats, while their larvae get eaten by skunks and moles, and the aquatic larvae get eaten by fish and turtles.
I always thought they contain a fair amount of cyanide, which kept away most predators?
Just sayin' what the internet told me
Fair enough. Wikipedia Has Spoken