Insim Stealer !
Hello guys

i have a little problem.....

i have lead the MiD German Cruise and makes a insim for it
few days later...... he has kicked me from the team and i got banned
on the server , teamspeak .........

i have the usernames from the stealers....
but i dont post it.....

what can i make ?

i have any right´s ?

Sry for my bad english.....


(bunder9999) DELETED by bunder9999 : meh
yes you have right.......

i understand the LC_INSIM was stolen ?

why is it here in the forum ?

hm.... ok

^^ thanx


If you are unsure of the people you lead a server with, and you are the coder then make sure you add some sort of protection to your insim. Say a expiration date. After it has passed make your insim deactivate. That's the only right you have in the lfs world.. And basically that's the main rule on the internet: Protect your software or consider it stolen.
Quote from broken :And basically that's the main rule on the internet: Protect your software or consider it stolen.

Or make it open-source to begin with.
Quote from broken :If you are unsure of the people you lead a server with, and you are the coder then make sure you add some sort of protection to your insim. Say a expiration date. After it has passed make your insim deactivate. That's the only right you have in the lfs world.. And basically that's the main rule on the internet: Protect your software or consider it stolen.

This is good

expiration date

Quote from DarkTimes :Or make it open-source to begin with.

I wouldn't recommend that to a coder who is just beginning to learn.

I'm afraid to post the source of my racing app too, not because the app itself might spread(yeah, I know, I just said the obvious :P), but because I realize that the code is really... really wasteful, and it might and probably would give some bad habits to new coders. But then again, you have to start somewhere I guess.
I would actually argue the opposite, that new programmers should be more willing to release their source code, as having someone else examine it will make them better programmers. Also much should be said for the act of writing code with the notion that someone will eventually look at it, as that will force you to write better code.

The main thing for me though, and this is something many new programers might not realise*, is that most of what I have learned about writing programs I learned from looking at other peoples source code. The ability to be able to download and study the code for programs like Paint.NET, SharpDevelop, RSSBandit, BabySmash!, Kaxaml, not to mention the gallons of information I learned from studying LFSLib and Munkster's original version of LFSLapper.

The reason I always make my own source available is because a) the idea other people will try to learn from it forces me to write better code, b) I owe a massive debt to the vast number of other open-source authors I have learned from, c) that making everything I do open means I never need to worry about whether other people are stealing it and d) people will actually send me fixes and improvements to my code!

I find it so bizzare that you guys are scared of other people stealing your source code. You don't hear musicians afraid of having their music played on the radio incase someone else steals it. All art is inherently a form of theft and they understand that. Meh, even if someone does steal it, copyright laws still apply to everything you write.

I had eggs for breakfast.

* Reading source code properly is a complex skill it takes a lot of experience to learn.
DarkTimes, I agree with just about every line in this thread that you wrote. Very well put.
I am not scared if anyone steals my application(well at least not anymore :razz. It's just that if you want your server to be successful you have to make sure it's unique at first and if you like - release the source(or part of it) after that. Other than that I'd be more than happy to release the source of an application that I don't need to use to make my server more unique than others. But the fact is that I haven't written* anything like that yet.

And yeah, I've used the OsR's InSim app enough to make the server somewhat popular and now I'm just waiting for the right time to release the source of it(that is when I make sure that I have more free time to 1st - improve it and 2nd - answer the questions that people may have). Well actually there's something more to that plan - When I post the source of OsR, I will no longer have any successful C# projects to work on and I will be able to spend more time on learning C++.

And I have another question, while we are still on that subject: Should I post the cruise app I had made? It's AWFULLY messy, AWFULLY wasteful and it's not even working, because I stopped working on it before I had finished re-organizing the file system of it. On top of all that - There is a serious load of commented out code, that's been bad(or f***ed up) but I needed as base to improve it AND a few unfinished systems. But if we leave that aside - the chase system of it is really good, but it may as well confuse the hell out of you till you get how it's working(it happens to me every time I haven't made a change from more than a month); the HUD system is also really good, and it makes sure that it doesn't throw a guest out by sending too much buttons(that happens with a button delay, which I'm sure that can be definitely improved, because I have an idea how that can happen); There are tons of commands; There can be Cadets/Officers/FBI Agents/CIA Agents; The stats of users get saved in a database and it has a good db-failure protection(in case the database server is down, it keeps running, and when it comes back - users that have been in the server all the time notice no change, but the ones connected while the db has been down get their stats added to the ones they've made while in the server till the time of successful connection.. But the minus is that if you disconnect while the database is down your stats aren't saved);; And something kind of neutral(not bad but not good either) - The ability to steal a car.. But if you fail, there's an awful fine - 1/5 of the car's actual price iirc.. There are many more things but the post would be too big if I write about all of them.

In case you forgot the question by now : Should I post the source of a (basically) non-working application? And is it worth it - I know that someone will fix it, and if I'm lucky - upload it back in the same thread, but before that there could be lots of flaming(and idc if they flame me, but this community has the awful habbit to flame everyone, who is even a bit less into things(or informed if you like) than them(well not all the people from the community of course, but like 50% of the active ones do)... not to mention what happens if someone asks a silly question)..

And I have to say that I fully agree with what you said, but if we had this conversation a few months earlier, I might have not fully agreed.. You will see from the protection code for the cruise app if I post its source.
Quote from broken :In case you forgot the question by now : Should I post the source of a (basically) non-working application? And is it worth it - I know that someone will fix it, and if I'm lucky - upload it back in the same thread, but before that there could be lots of flaming(and idc if they flame me, but this community has the awful habbit to flame everyone, who is even a bit less into things(or informed if you like) than them(well not all the people from the community of course, but like 50% of the active ones do)... not to mention what happens if someone asks a silly question)..

Actually, it is worth to post it. That's the whole basis of open-source programming. The problem is that not many LFS users don't really understand the open source policy, and then they start to flame.
You see, if you release code, and you do it often enough, people will come to your server just to see the next thing your working on.

When it comes to releasing your code, don't forget to license it correctly. If you want to just give it away, and don't care what people do with, you don't care if it get's used for profit then use the MIT license. If you want to force people to share the code you wrote, and any modification based on that code, use the GPL. Both of these licenses have their ups and downs.
I have already decided what to publish it under. That would be GPL (of course :razz.

It's just the perfect solution. And I know that most of the people won't share the changes or whatever, but that's just obvious and I don't really care as long as they don't decide to sell it to someone, while everyone can have it for free.

And yeah, good point about people coming to see what I'm working on, but I won't be online that much now, cause of school, work, and C++(you know, Dygear ).
Quote from broken :I have already decided what to publish it under. That would be GPL (of course :razz.

It's just the perfect solution. And I know that most of the people won't share the changes or whatever, but that's just obvious and I don't really care as long as they don't decide to sell it to someone, while everyone can have it for free.

And yeah, good point about people coming to see what I'm working on, but I won't be online that much now, cause of school, work, and C++(you know, Dygear ).

With the GPL, they are required to share their edits. With the MIT license, they are not, and they can charge for the use of your code also.
I understood that already(:razz, and it's good to obligate them to share the edits, but most of them simply wont, and I was just saying that I realize that.

And I had decided to publish them under GPL even before I had posted in this thread.
Quote from broken :I understood that already(:razz, and it's good to obligate them to share the edits, but most of them simply wont, and I was just saying that I realize that.

And I had decided to publish them under GPL even before I had posted in this thread.

That's the thing tho, then they are breaking the law. You can sue them, and you'll win too.