(server admin) Saudi Arabia Drifting: RACISM
(3 posts, closed, started )
(server admin) Saudi Arabia Drifting: RACISM
Ok so me, Blind and TheViking wanted a bit of fun away from main stream drifting when we decided to visit the "Saudi Arabia Drifting" server. We normally have a lot of fun there with other admins and arab drifters, but one admin has really went far beyond and i would just like all of lfs forum users to know of the disgrace he is.

He is ¦B7 DR…èé…M G25 (maluch525) and all was going well. Then he noticed we were not talking Arab but English. He started by saying things such as "Do you ever see Arabs coming into your rooms?" and "We don't want your kind here!". Then my two team mates came along and he said things such as "Your gathering all your boys to mess up here" and said more things such as "Your kind always ram us and we don't like it, you don't see us coming ramming you when doing your thing!".

I understand some of you may not be bothered or may laugh at my post, but personally i don't take racism as a joke at all and for us to be treat in that way, in a public server that has nothing stating "ARABS ONLY", is pretty disgusting and that user in my opinion does not deserve to be an admin there. I hope the server owner finds this thread as i would like a word with him/her about my disgust with this individual.

I have just noticed i have joined my own server now meaning i have lost the MPR replay, but im sure if any of the other players who were online with me there will be able to back me up in some way if needed.
All i can say is they have no banned me and more non arab players for no reason at all

Thanks for reading of my disgust with the user stated, i have never been confronted in this way before, and to be confronted by someone i don't even know in the way he did, its disgraceful and shows what kind of people some must be to choose individuals like maluch525 to be main server admins.

I am no please at all.
Callum Craddy ([DW]CraboSan, DriftWorks LFS)
#2 - VoiD
Cool story bro´...

But it´s their server so it´s their rules...

At least it wasn´t "JEWS ONLY" or "AMPUTEES ONLY"
yaaaahhh we have our rules cuz in our drifs we pro nt begginer
if u dnt band us we will not band and we have s2 and pour servers
no rules to us we pay we play


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(server admin) Saudi Arabia Drifting: RACISM
(3 posts, closed, started )