The online racing simulator
New to LFS and the forums!
(34 posts, started )
New to LFS and the forums!
Hello all!

New to the forums so thought i would just drop by and say hello!

Only been playing lfs for a week and love it already!

Been playing with mouse/keyboard but as im writing this the loving girlfriend is on her way to the shop to pick me up a wheel!!! Cant wait!!!

Hope to see some of you on the track!!!


Welcome Daryl .

Welcome to LFS, Daryl.

you'll love the wheel. i made the switch from a gamepad to a wheel this time last year and what a difference. unfortunately took me anothor couple of months to discover LFS.
#6 - XRRoy
welcome and nice GF you have
As long as you call everyone slower than you a "noob" and everyone who tries to race lots of cars on a short track a "bunch of frickin retards" then you'll fit in just fine .

Sorry, I had a bash of South City Classic last night ... Racing there is guaranteed to have certain ingredients:

A) There will be bedlam
B) Some drivers will be suprised by the bedlam

But despite the textual frustrations of some, it's damned good fun ! Welcome to LFS .
Wellcome and say thank you to your girlfriend !
If you love it now wait until you get that wheel set up.

THE LFS COMMUNITY WELCOMES YOU, have fun, drive safe,and play online!!!!! u will have a BLAST!! its amazing how many people turned up this week on the lfs forum! so many newbies

hope my avatar wont scare ppl away
Nah, cars will just give you a wide berth during races.

Welcome Phiber-Optik
kickass gf
You need to send that GF around to all the mousers and keyboarders around LFS!

Welcome to the game and the forums

Same bye to your GF lol
GF pics plz?

Come on someone had to say that!
Thanks for all the replies people!!!

Wheel and pedals are here and all set up!!! WOW thats a massive difference! Just managed to do a lap in a rwd without losing the back end on every corner!!!!

only problem im having is i cant get my levers to work!!!

im also not 100% sure what wheel turn compensation is??? and throttle/brake centre redution??? anyone help there?

As requested a pic of the missus lol The one with the white top!!! the one on the left and the right are a couple and the girl in the black is my hairdresser


Attached images

Which wheel did you buy?
Big Question Is.....
....will you Lovely GirlFriend sit quietly by your side whilst you play LFS & gently stroke your legs? Its the question weve all been wanting to ask!

Have Fun with S2 btw m8 & Welcome.
Quote from Yucko! :stroke his leg, why would anyone want that stroked?

must be an english thing
Welcome daryl.

Are you insane? If so. You'l fit in perfectly
Welcome to the forums cant wait to see you in my mirrors lol

have just done a few laps and recorded them! so if anyone wants to have a look and give me a few pointers it would be much appriciated! remebering though ive only had the wheel for an hour! still getting used to it!

XF GTR - Blackwood - 1.19.73 Daryl1.spr

n2oaddict its just a cheap wheel - Genius Speed Wheel 3
but seems to do the trick!

Wont be any stroking of legs or anything tonight, missus is at work tonight so its just me the wheel and a case of larger


Attached files
Daryl1.spr - 34.3 KB - 178 views
Quote from Phiber-Optik :a case of larger

Hmm....where might I be able to buy a case of larger?

#24 - avih
Quote from Yucko! :stroke his leg, why would anyone want that stroked?

his 3rd leg probably although a "bit" harder to drive that way
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Taxi for Kev, he has finally flipped...........


New to LFS and the forums!
(34 posts, started )