Just thought of this thread and a story of mine own. Happened like 30mins ago.
Well a friend of mine came back today from his holiday. So we all decided to meet up and go for a BBall game. We had a good game but then everyone split up. So me and two other friends went to another park, grabbed a football, couple cans of beer and just kicked it around. Then a bunch of German girls show up, you know, the tourist ones that come with the whole school/college. Anyways, they were messing about in the park and were trying to chat us up. Then they wanted to take a pic with us so what the hell, we did. We started half ingoring them half chatting and just playing our game. So when they had to leaved they were like "bye muah" (kiss sound) and we were like yeah yeah bye. They went quite a good distance from us, turned round and started saying something in German at us. So I just said "Pasol nahui skatina" which is like "f*ck off faggot" in Russian, but "skatina" is a lot worse then fag. Its like a real bad word to call a girl. Then both of my friends started literally laughing on the ground, so I was like "Huh?!". Then it hit me that they can understand that.
I felt like a real dick. It was quite a funny moment, but I was so ashamed. I mean the girls were also quite fit and good looking. You know, a proper beautiful bunch. Not 'slag" sexy, but just gorgeous.
God. Not a first time I act like a dick to a person without realising it.
Anyone got anything similar to share? Let it all out!
Well a friend of mine came back today from his holiday. So we all decided to meet up and go for a BBall game. We had a good game but then everyone split up. So me and two other friends went to another park, grabbed a football, couple cans of beer and just kicked it around. Then a bunch of German girls show up, you know, the tourist ones that come with the whole school/college. Anyways, they were messing about in the park and were trying to chat us up. Then they wanted to take a pic with us so what the hell, we did. We started half ingoring them half chatting and just playing our game. So when they had to leaved they were like "bye muah" (kiss sound) and we were like yeah yeah bye. They went quite a good distance from us, turned round and started saying something in German at us. So I just said "Pasol nahui skatina" which is like "f*ck off faggot" in Russian, but "skatina" is a lot worse then fag. Its like a real bad word to call a girl. Then both of my friends started literally laughing on the ground, so I was like "Huh?!". Then it hit me that they can understand that.

I felt like a real dick. It was quite a funny moment, but I was so ashamed. I mean the girls were also quite fit and good looking. You know, a proper beautiful bunch. Not 'slag" sexy, but just gorgeous.

God. Not a first time I act like a dick to a person without realising it.

Anyone got anything similar to share? Let it all out!