Announcing LFS Database

After alot of work from many individuals I on behalf of many am very happy to announce the new LFS Database.
Within the database you have a vast range of choice from downloads which include textures, sounds, skins and much more. We have also included a forum. May you find a specific category missing, please tell us.
Some content is already uploaded by the creators themselves, so the website won't start empty.
We do not allow uploading of .VOB mods. If you upload a .VOB mod, it will not be approved. You will be issued a warning and any further attempts will result in your account being disabled.
Every upload first needs approvement from one of the moderators.
Some of the beta testers will be a given the special member rank. Being a special member means that you have these exclusive things:
- No need for approval of upload
- Multiple/Mass upload and download
Are you not a beta tester, but you still want to have these exlusive advantages? Don't worry, we have the option to buy Pro membership, so you can have these advantages, in the exchange of a simple €1 each year.
There has been alot of effort,time and money put into the revival of LFS Databse so we ask you to take the time out and have a look around, upload your works, and become a Pro member if possible.
We are happy to bring LFS Database back to all of you, and hope you guys enjoy using it!\