(99 posts, started )
#1 - oli17
ok, i'm sure a fair few of you are doing GCSE's/A-levels (or equivalent) at the moment, so you can share your thoughts/fears here!

i'll start. i did C1 and M1 yesterday, anyone else do them? how did you think they went?
So I've had Spanish Speaking + Listening and Biology so far, all of which have gone pretty well.

Just got back from English Literature - Went ok considering I hate english and am not amazing at it.

On the upside though, the next two weeks of my life consist of doss exams (Spanish Writing, Biology/Chem Practical and Maths) and half term

It'll all be over on the 24th of June, on which day I will conduct a ceremonious burning of the books for all the subjects I'm not continuing. All my english books will be soaked in flammable liquids and will have their own seperate bonfire for that extra special effect.
I did Catcher in the Rye + Poems. I think I owned the Catcher in the Rye essay, but my poems stuff was a bit mediocre.

It went pretty well except when I tripped over someone's foot leaving the exam room, which caused me to trip over a chair and kick it half way across the room
#4 - Rikje
how about I sum it up : Goddamn it

that pretty much tells how my exams are going.
Quote from JPeace :lol really? I did the same the other day in my Biology retake, was really embarrasing because there where about 40 other people doing an A level geography exam, so they all stared at me as i left the rool

But yeah, I did ' Of Mice and Men' and poems, poems like: Simon Armitage, Duffy, Pre-1914 which was stuff like ' The Man He Killed ', ' My Last Dutchess ' etc, the same with you i guess?

Yeah.. all the same. I'm a bit annoyed with the poems they told you to compare in the question, because they were probably the ones I was weaker on. I did the 2 + 2 comparison, because I find it physically impossible to simulataneously compare 4 poems
I hate how there is such a vast difference between exam timings... I finished Biology the other day with 40 minutes to spare, and then with English I was writing as fast as my hand would move and wrote until they said 'stop writing'. I got a blister ffs !
#7 - oli17
so anyone else do further maths? lets get some AS level talk going!
#8 - Dmt
My exams are almost over, pretty tired of them. Results will be in half month..

So far got 18/20 in English oral and 20/20 Russian oral.
Oral what?

Well exams...dont have any so idk

poor british people
I've just done a mandatory Health & Safety at Work exam, does that count? I passed with 80%. I was wrong in two cases - firstly which fire extinguisher is suitable for which job (and I don't care) and who it is that needs to give permission to use electronic devices (and I don't care).

Most patronising waste of time ever. There's 30 mins of my life I'll never get back.
#11 - Dmt
Quote from Dmt :Oral exam.

uuuuuhh nice

are there pretty girls? can i take part?
#13 - 5haz
I have a nice birthday present from the various exam boards in the form of two A level exams, bastards.

Tomorrow I shall see if it is possible to get an A in general studies without revising or turning up to any of the lessons.

General studies is a waste of time, if your college offers you it, don't bother.

As for GCSE English, Lord Of the Flies beats Of Mice and Men or The Catcher in the Rye any day.
Well, I got 3 exams to do, Estonian, Maths and English.
Estonian and English are piece of cake but maths is the subject im worried about
Quote from 5haz :Tomorrow I shall see if it is possible to get an A in general studies without revising or turning up to any of the lessons.

General studies is a waste of time, if your college offers you it, don't bother.

what's it about? just...general stuff?
#16 - Dmt
Quote from Timo1992 :uuuuuhh nice

are there pretty girls? can i take part?

No, must be over 18. :P
#17 - 5haz
Quote from oli17 :what's it about? just...general stuff?

Pretty much, its basically RE in disguise, they tell you something about science or art or literature and you get marks for giving your opinion, piece of piss it really is.

Just a shame about two universities (Leicster and Kent as far as I know) actually give a shit about General studies.

I got an A for the first exam without doing any work whatsoever, thats how easy it is, I was amazed some people managed to fail it though?!
#18 - mr_x
Oh how I wish I was doing GCSE/A-Level exams!

I'm currently doing end of year 1 university exams, the first exams I've done since I sat GCSEs 6 years ago! I've only got 3, but there's 2 2 hour exams and a 3 hour one. Had Computer Technology exam in machine code programming already! Next comes Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design on Friday and Introduction to Networks next week. Networks will be a walk in the park as I've been doing it for god knows how long - the other 2 exams are right sods!

I didn't revise for my GCSEs and got 8Cs and 2Bs, I'm revising like crazy for these ones and it's still not sinking in!
I'm A2

Got my unit 1 physics resit on thursday, bricking it but it is piss compared to A2 stuff (special relativity :schwitz. Maths should be a doss caus i'm not doing further maths :P
Had English literature today. Eased through it. Found it very easy and straightforward.

Got Chemistry tomorrow and physics on friday.

Also, we did our English orals couple months back and I just aced it. Best in year. So nice to rub it into English people.
He is too. The second he passes the moment of his birth he's over 18. It might only be by seconds, but that's enough to count
Quote from Dajmin :He is too. The second he passes the moment of his birth he's over 18. It might only be by seconds, but that's enough to count

i stand corrected
Quote from 5haz :

Just a shame about two universities (Leicster and Kent as far as I know) actually give a shit about General studies.

My uni, Lincoln, also accepted General Studies, but with half UCAS points. But you're right, not many care... and rightly so, it's a cop-out!

(99 posts, started )