First impressions of the new Patch
well... of course BF1 is very nice
TC makes it even fun for keyboarders and mouse drivers (as i am ).
the biggest difference ive noticed, the cars are slower now.
ive just tried XFG @ Oval.
old topspeed (no slipstream) 196.
new topspeed 193.
also it seems like they "fixed" the hybrid tyre "bug" cause with them u just drift around hehe , the normal tyres are more grippy now.
i like the new time counter, and speed display better as these big numbers before .
FZ5 has TC as well. huh
overall u have more control now, but i cant get rid of the feeling that i have to take every corner slower than before. maybe my setup is just way off (what ive should noticed but u never know ) but yea ill see with some more driving.
final score for the patch 100 pts! its the winner
#2 - wE1l
First impression---BF1 kicks a$$
tried my fo8 on bl gp using existing setup (not nose high)

imediate improvement in times, over a second on 1st section due to the tyres being more predictable
#4 - Samor
BF1 seems relatively easy to drive compared to some other cars.... anyway, I like it
I'm pleased, I can hold drifts with some decent angle now, and that brand choice thing owns. Havent tried the bf1 yet tho, i cant control the other f1 cars anyway.
I like it- need to go test more...

I cannot turn auto clutch off in the new F1 car though.. need to test that out in other cars. Also When I choose manual clutch the options for auto blip throttle go away. they didn't before. I cannot accurately blip on downshifts while braking w/o destroying these pedals.. so that really sucks.

New F1 car has no dashboard if wheel is gone... that sucks.. have not tested other cars.

Overall seems like this is going to be a great patch and huge leap forward - in physics. That's huge.
Quote from BWX232 :New F1 car has no dashboard if wheel is gone... that sucks.. have not tested other cars.

ruh roh.
I can't make an estimation cause I've bought a DFP today and that feels quite
different from my old Momo. But one thing that I've seen is that the FZR's fuel consumtion changed. Don't know if other cars also changed. Ky GP FZR before patch: 6.6-6.8/lap Now: 3.8/lap
I'm faster with the new physics. Whereas before I had to know by heart the line to use with a given car on a given track, now I don't have to tiptoe around the traction limit.
I'm actually surprised how deep inside the turn I can trailbrake without losing it, and how much more corner speed I can carry.
Quote from BWX232 :New F1 car has no dashboard if wheel is gone... that sucks.. have not tested other cars.

Hmm, trouble. I never thought of that when I saw the screenshots. I don't display the wheel, and with my FOV, I can't see the wheel anyways.
Quote from LRB_Aly :But one thing that I've seen is that the FZR's fuel consumtion changed. Don't know if other cars also changed. Ky GP FZR before patch: 6.6-6.8/lap Now: 3.8/lap

Thats quite a big difference!
#13 - VOSS
I love the new patch!

The cars are all much more predictable now. When the tires begin to slide the grip is now high enough to recover from the moment, and not continue the slide forever. It's a small difference but noticable and very much appreciated

This now makes it possible to enjoy driving the LX4 and LX6, even the FV8 with a mouse! And notice how the FV8 even without TC can now get off the line just fine in first gear... no need to short shift to third before the rear tires stop spinning maddly.

The BMW F1 car is nice too. Almost too fast to be believable... but I know it's like that, F1 cars are simply out of this world. LFS gives you a fantastic overview of cars, from the small mini shopping trolly, to GT racers and now the fastest racing cars on the planet.

The contrast in speeds of these things is simply amazing. Can you just image driving a real F1 car?? I just can't get my head around it
This is a stunning update, the cars feel a lot realer now. When you're pushing it to the limits you can feel the wheel tense up like the tyres are really getting bent then if you push it too far it snaps away, whereas before the patch, it just snapped away without any warning from the tyres.
I can drive the fz5 now because of the TC. I have noticed that the cars are more controlable too and my FPS has gone up from 100fps - 135 fps on Blackwood.
Quote from BWX232 :I like it- need to go test more...

I cannot turn auto clutch off in the new F1 car though.. need to test that out in other cars. Also When I choose manual clutch the options for auto blip throttle go away. they didn't before. I cannot accurately blip on downshifts while braking w/o destroying these pedals.. so that really sucks.

I've got that too, it kinda sucks yeah. Time to learn how to heal-toe
#17 - Vain
The slicks seem to have improved in grip. The streettyres are roughly the same as before the patch.
All cars with slicks feel pretty light on my wheel. Extremely agile and fewer FF than before. This even goes for locked-diff-XFRs, which is kind of surpising.

But the reason why I write here:
The Race_S setups are really nice! Here and there there are glitches I'd do differently, but that is just personal preferance. These setups are really nice.

yeah i noticed the setups too

tried the demo cars first before i unlocked and couldnt believe how drivable they were even on default setup

at moment my bmw setup is based on default rather than race1
The road tires feel subtly better...just enough so that cars are now more realistically controllable. The slicks are just out of this world though! I love them! You can feel them clawing into the road and the UFR feels like a freaking kart! Not to mention what an awesome feeling it is to pull 4+ Gs in the BF1!
#20 - tpa
Quote from LRB_Aly :I can't make an estimation cause I've bought a DFP today and that feels quite
different from my old Momo. But one thing that I've seen is that the FZR's fuel consumtion changed. Don't know if other cars also changed. Ky GP FZR before patch: 6.6-6.8/lap Now: 3.8/lap

Just a quick thought, maybe the capacity of the fuel tank has changed instead of the amount of fuel that's being consumed? I don't have 0.5P on this machine to check myself...
In the XR GTR I cannot see the gear indicator on the dashboard when steering wheel enabled.
But of course in new BMW F1 need wheel to see anything.. Hmmm..

Anyway, took out the XR GTR for a spin.. man these new physics are SWEET.. even the FF feels better now, more realistic, maybe because the tires are interacting with the road in am ore realistic way and feeding that through the virtual steering column in a more realistic way?.. Who knows, but it is very nice. I have been waiting for this day for a long @$$ time.. the physics in LFS are officially fixed. This patch rocks. I love how the rear end of the car REALISTICALLY steps out, and then does not KEEP GOING any more like it used to. If you take the appropriate action, you can reel it back in without spinning. I feel like I am in a car on dry pavement, not wet like before (in certain situations only)..

Man, thy did good.
#22 - JTbo
Grip has gone towards arcade, imo.

It has more grip but it still slides so easily, tires don't bite as in reallife, now it is practically impossible to spin with XR GT and such car in reallife is surely spinnable and when it starts to spin at corner entry it is nothing like in lfs, it is much more brutal and faster episode.

That is naturally just my opinion, but I feel that tires slide too well.

Sure now it will have much better online racing and it is of course more fun for masses.
#23 - tok_
Digital readouts at right upper corner are bad, just can't read those while driving. Too excited to check is there are option about those.
Otherwise this looks and feels marvellous, however I think it takes at least a week to fully (or even partially) understand all the changes, but digital fonts.. no no no.
1 Word,


The new BMW F1 Car is CRAZY!!! Sooo Fast Yet really really good Handling. Unlike the other f1 car we had where it was really hard to handle.

Very Good Job on this car!! I also found when driving other regular cars little more grip. I like it

it feels a heap load more realistic for both grip and drift, drifters speeds will drop by an average of about 30km/h in most corners....but this is cause of the tyre traction..... use more camber

over all, i love it, and even the BF1 is easy to drive with mouse....still can't wait for my DFP to get here next week though