The online racing simulator
Training lesson 72+75 have a wrong text
Not really a bug but in training lesson 72 + 75 you get the text:

"Drive some laps around Aston. Park between the red/white barriers to end the lesson."

This would be better:

"Drive some laps around Aston. Park between the GREEN/WHITE CONES to end the lesson."

because there are no red/white barriers in Aston and () it took me 5 minutes to spot the green/white cones on the right side in the green of lesson 72 to end it.
Looks like the red/white barriers have been replaced by cones with the Aston update.

I've now fixed the three Aston lessons. Just unzip the archive in your /lesson directory.
Attached files - 537 B - 136 views
Quote from GP4Flo :Looks like Eric has replaced the red/white barrier by the cones. I'm fixing it right now.

but Flo it's not only in the german text it's also in the english text. But i think you already know this ;-)
Quote from BBO@BSR :but Flo it's not only in the german text it's also in the english text. But i think you already know this ;-)

The texts were allright, the problem was with the layout files. I've uploaded the three fixed layouts in the post above.