Hi all we at WCL are hosting an S2 championship dont let the name put you off unlike our DEMO server our S2 server is NON-CRASH and is admined well to prevent such things happaning. Everyone is welcome to join in this event. Please see www.worldcrashleague.com then look under events on the forum for more info/sign up. We are now mainly a Demo Rallycross team with around 40 members but we are looking to move into the world of s2 so come check us out we are a friendly bunch and im sure you will have alot of fun!
Hope to see some of you there!!
[WCL]Danny - (Server/website/Admim - Team Boss
**Forgive the lack of posts on LFS forum i read alot here but realy post, This should change soon
Hope to see some of you there!!
[WCL]Danny - (Server/website/Admim - Team Boss

**Forgive the lack of posts on LFS forum i read alot here but realy post, This should change soon