Download links: Main site - LFSDatabase.eu - LFSDB.500servers.net
Template files for quality and precision skinning work based on LFS Viewer 0.6A CMX files. Data was converted directly to vectors from a 3D application, with all details preserved.
Wire: Exact representation of corresponding car to be used as reference.
Mask: Finalize the skin with a nice and clean look. This can also help to reduce JPG filesize.
PNG - 4096x4096 resolution 8 bit grayscale
AI - Illustrator CS w/ PDF v1.4 compatibility
PDF - v1.5 (Acrobat 6.0)
SVG - v1.0
All files contain transparency and are ready for use. Make sure to import or convert vector files properly in your favorite 2D application - the aspect must be 1:1 or they will not fit. Use "Crop Box" (Photoshop) or similar. Test or compare with PNG version if you are unsure.
Vector layer hierarchy have been simplified for the average user. Advanced users may dig in and make changes to organize the structure. Do not make changes with the purpose of redistribution without permission.
The "by r4ptor" signature should not be removed. Please respect this request.
Comments, bug reports and suggestions are more than welcome. Happy skinning.