The online racing simulator
Auto updating
(12 posts, started )
Auto updating
i was wondering why the game doesnt auto check a main server holding the correct version of the game then auto download the patches?

this would make sure everyone is current on the updates and can keep cracked versions of the game from logging into the online servers.
Quote from indo420 :i was wondering why the game doesnt auto check a main server holding the correct version of the game then auto download the patches?

this would make sure everyone is current on the updates and can keep cracked versions of the game from logging into the online servers.

1. Cracked versions can't connect to LFS S1/S2 hosts.
2. We get about 2 or 3 updates per year. Do we really need an autoupdate feature just for that?
3. You signature is too long.
Quote :3. You signature is too long.

Quote from Hyperactive :
2. We get about 2 or 3 updates per year. Do we really need an autoupdate feature just for that?

well you wouldn't think you would...but, while i was bug checking tonight, i tried going back to version P, and there are still plenty of servers/racers using patch P. surely it wouldn't be too hard to code a little message that prompts them with the option to upgrade when they request a server list.
One disadvantage to this is that people like to keep several versions to play old replays. I guess it could be there but disableable. It wouldn't work for stopping cracks if this was the case though.

As Hyperactive says though there aren't that many updates so perhaps it's not really worth having. I personally would prefer not to use it.
Quote from mrbogeyman :well you wouldn't think you would...but, while i was bug checking tonight, i tried going back to version P, and there are still plenty of servers/racers using patch P. surely it wouldn't be too hard to code a little message that prompts them with the option to upgrade when they request a server list.

Maybe it would just an easy way to make LFS tell you that there is a newer version available... Like maybe making it part of the serverlist packet you inquire from the LFS master server when joining to online carrrrnage. Hmm, and after reading your post for the second time I notice that this is exactly what you said (but still had to post )

It won't help the server hosters because it may just be that they aren't too aware of their servers anyway Or they are hosting many servers and don't even try to keep up with the patching unless told that they are still running S1A version when there is S2 S version...
#7 - Renku
Quote :Auto updating

#8 - Gunn
I like to be in control of what I download and when I download it. I also dislike forum signatures that take up half of my monitor real estate.
Quote from Gunn :I like to be in control of what I download and when I download it. I also dislike forum signatures that take up half of my monitor real estate.

lol, agreed on both points.
Not auto updating, but a message would be nice when you connect to multiplayer telling you of a new release.
Quote from Stellios :Not auto updating, but a message would be nice when you connect to multiplayer telling you of a new release.

You would get this message I think if you try and join a server that does not match the older version you have.
The patch S/T servers don't show up with your patch P/Q install. I was curious last night and started patch Q to see if anyone was there. Sure enough, there were quite a few servers with quite a few folks on. Demo servers were even fuller. I couldn't see any patch T servers while patch Q was loaded and connected.

If you don't frequent the forums or don't subscribe to the newsletter, you won't know there was a patch. Though, i don't think I got a newsletter this time about the patch.

In fact, this is how I learned about patch T. I joined a server and let them know the patch was out. They didn't believe me, LOL, but checked the site and said it was patch T.

Auto updating
(12 posts, started )