A Japanese man named Masato Nakatsuji has been arrested and accused of writing a computer virus that replaces all the files on a person's computer with home-made manga images of squid, octopuses and sea urchins.
It's believed that somewhere between 20,000 and 50,000 computers have been infected by the Ika-tako virus, which translates to "Squid-octopus". It is spread through music file-sharing networks, disguised as a music file, and once run the malware works through the files of the hard disk, replacing each with an image of a squid.
Take care out there!
It's believed that somewhere between 20,000 and 50,000 computers have been infected by the Ika-tako virus, which translates to "Squid-octopus". It is spread through music file-sharing networks, disguised as a music file, and once run the malware works through the files of the hard disk, replacing each with an image of a squid.
Take care out there!