The online racing simulator
Clear car skins (white skins without shadows)
Guys, who can help me?? I need car clear skins for all cars! I dont mean Default skins, only white skins without shadows. ShrugShrug
Ok, how about this;

You can download the Master Skinnerz Pro Kits (they're in photoshop format ".psd" but you can open and edit them using GIMP if you dont have PS)

Its a got a wireframe to guide to you to make your skin (so you dont need the default shadow'd skin)

Not sure if this is what you mean though...

If you just want a plain white skin, just save a full-white image.
i think he means white skins with a black mask over the unskin-able areas.

million bucks he's using paint
what program are u using?
I use gimp or paint
But... i can't open rar. files, because i don't have the software what can open rar files.
Thanks silver