The online racing simulator
To LFS host providers: Please Read.
I'm asking for input on a admin system that I'm making for PHPInSimMod - PRISM and I'd like your view as a host operator. Please go to the following thread and let us know what you would want to see from an admin system from a server host prospective.

PRISM Admin System (Call for Comments).

I'm looking mainly from you what you would like separated as far as admin commands levels. Do you want to have a level for clients so they can't change the max clients on their host? Do you want to restrict the /pps command so that also should be it's own admin level?
It would generally help if anyone knew what the **** it actually does...

If you cba to write a small introduction why bring it out from the depths of the dusty subforum you and Vic habitat? I can't imagine the majority of lfs hosters being programmers, otherwise someone would have already done [insert what ever it is you've done since I've honestly no idea].
#3 - Hahmo