Hi guys just thought id tell you about WS.D's new drift championship. Drift Championship is new to ws.d and anyone can compete.
visit www.windstyle.eu
there u can find the date of up comming events and how and where to sign up
.:Masters Drift Championship:. RULES
Practice & Competition
-The practice session will start 30 minutes before the 1st round, so be sure to get there earlier to practice the layout.
-During the practice session, you have the 30 minutes to do as many runs as u wish, but be careful of other drivers.
-The 1st round of the competition will consist of 2 runs per person, after they complete their runs the judge will give a score out of 10 for each run.
-Once everyone has been the top 8 contestants will go through the the second round, which is tandem.
-During the Tandem Runs (2nd round), you will drifting tandem with one of the 8 finalists.
-Again you will be doing 2 runs, so both people get to lead the tandem.
-each run will be scored the same as the first round, if you hit ur opponent it will effect your score, and if u make them spin completly they will win the round automatically.
-And at the end the judge will annouce 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Cars Allowed
Amature Championship
The Amature Championship will run along side the Masters but the Amatures will only take part in the single runs as this championship is only ment for people who are new to drifting. XRT and FZ5 are the only cars used in this championship. Once an Amature has done 4 meetings/events then they can progress to the Masters Championship but thier scores will be reset.
Single Runs (Round 1)
The top score you can get is 10 points each run therefore 20 in total for a top score in Round 1.
Tandem (Twin) Runs (Round 2)
The top score you can get in each Tandem run is 15 points therefore in total a top score would be 30 for Round 2.
-Posts or cones will be set up on the layout, if these are hit or knocked down, this will go against your score.
-those who fail to reachh the final round can stay and watch, but they will not be able to leave pit.
-In the Tandem runs, players will be paired by their previous scores. (eg. Player 1 has the highest score, he will go against Player 2 who got the 2nd highest score of the top 8.)
-Always listen to what the people organizing the competition tell you, and follow their instruction.
-Pitting or resetting during your runs is not allowed.
-please respect others while they drift by staying quite
Should be a great event, looking foward to it
(WS.D Leader)
visit www.windstyle.eu
there u can find the date of up comming events and how and where to sign up

.:Masters Drift Championship:. RULES
Practice & Competition
-The practice session will start 30 minutes before the 1st round, so be sure to get there earlier to practice the layout.
-During the practice session, you have the 30 minutes to do as many runs as u wish, but be careful of other drivers.
-The 1st round of the competition will consist of 2 runs per person, after they complete their runs the judge will give a score out of 10 for each run.
-Once everyone has been the top 8 contestants will go through the the second round, which is tandem.
-During the Tandem Runs (2nd round), you will drifting tandem with one of the 8 finalists.
-Again you will be doing 2 runs, so both people get to lead the tandem.
-each run will be scored the same as the first round, if you hit ur opponent it will effect your score, and if u make them spin completly they will win the round automatically.
-And at the end the judge will annouce 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Cars Allowed
Amature Championship
The Amature Championship will run along side the Masters but the Amatures will only take part in the single runs as this championship is only ment for people who are new to drifting. XRT and FZ5 are the only cars used in this championship. Once an Amature has done 4 meetings/events then they can progress to the Masters Championship but thier scores will be reset.
Single Runs (Round 1)
The top score you can get is 10 points each run therefore 20 in total for a top score in Round 1.
Tandem (Twin) Runs (Round 2)
The top score you can get in each Tandem run is 15 points therefore in total a top score would be 30 for Round 2.
-Posts or cones will be set up on the layout, if these are hit or knocked down, this will go against your score.
-those who fail to reachh the final round can stay and watch, but they will not be able to leave pit.
-In the Tandem runs, players will be paired by their previous scores. (eg. Player 1 has the highest score, he will go against Player 2 who got the 2nd highest score of the top 8.)
-Always listen to what the people organizing the competition tell you, and follow their instruction.
-Pitting or resetting during your runs is not allowed.
-please respect others while they drift by staying quite
Should be a great event, looking foward to it
(WS.D Leader)