Some people have been lately saying they don't like the LFS Photomode Competitions anymore, it used to be better, the new voting system is bad, themes are bad and so on.
Since it's not only me who is participating in these competitions, then I thought it would be fair to ask everyone's opinion about this.
I also made a poll, where you can vote if we should have the old voting system back or should we continue with the new one.
And you can also suggest new things you want to see in this competition or don't want to see or what you want to change and so on. You can tell your opinion about anything that is related to this, every opinion will be taken in consideration and maybe things will be changed in future. But you should also understand that maybe your suggestion won't be taken in consideration and it won't be added to the competition. Anyway, it's all up to you now...
And you can also give opinion on this suggestion by Lynce and JO53PHS. I hope they don't mind if I put it here because I didn't ask them permission, when I tried to PM JO53PHS he had his PM full and I posted on forum, that he should empty PM, but I didn't get any reply. It was suggested by Lynce when JO53PHS was still running this competition, so I don't know if he wants me to make it like that or he wanted to do it himself.
This topic will always be for competitions improvements and suggestions, so if anything changes, it will be told here.