The online racing simulator
TV choise for racing
(3 posts, started )
#1 - sanek
TV choise for racing
Hey all.

Finally came the time for me to build my ultimate rig.
I decided to start with an ATI Eyefinity 5870 or 5970 video card and plug in 3 Full HD TV screens.

I'm a TV noob (my last TV was from the early 2000's) and am looking for any advice on this topic.

I decided TVs because I want to immerse, I want to see more (size).

Here are the factors to consider in their priority order:

Budget of up to 2000€/£1700/$2600 for all 3 screens (might be flexible, because I'm looking for quality)
Small bezels for immersiveness
Fast moving picture (faster is better as it will be used for racing games)
Has to be friendly on my eyes (sitting infront of 3 screens for hours)
Second hand value when selling them

So here are some examples of what I've searched. They are not ultimate, just the examples:

42" plasma ... b-42-full.html#tech-specs
42" LCD 200hz ... elevision.html#tech-specs
42" LCD LED 100hz ... elevision.html#tech-specs
32" LCD LED 200hz ... elevision.html#tech-specs

Thanks for all your helps and happy racing :P
#2 - Vain
Triple 42" is awesome.

Anyway, ontopic: Remember that many TVs will not achieve their maximum frequency when fed by a computer. My Samsung 6-series LCD will only do 60 Hz from a computer signal. The 100 Hz mode is only activated when using its movement-interpolation tech, which of course has a huge latency and is not suited for interactive media.
Thus I'd recommend to read the fine-print regarding the refresh-frequency when dealing with 100 and 200 Hz screens.

I would never advice Plasma since they die rather quickly and the resolutions are often limited while being slower then lcds in general.
LG or philips are probably the best quality for the money and they are quite fast too.

have a look at the best models around here ... l-hd-tvs-article-364.html

those guys know what they are doing while testing, i'v bought a few screens from their reviews and it was bang on.

TV choise for racing
(3 posts, started )