The online racing simulator
Baltic Cup 2011: Test Race (Info & Discussion)

Time: 21:00 (UTC +2)
  • 21:00 - Qualification (20min)
  • 21:30 - Race (~30min)
Car(s): UF1
Track: FE2r (Fern Bay Green reversed)
Laps: 18
Server name: EER
Server password: baltic11

There will be no separate pre-qualification for this race. This is just a test race, so anyone can come as long as there is place in the server.

Feel free to discuss or ask questions.
(andRo.) DELETED by andRo.
Today is the race. Starting in 7 hours.

Server is up, so you can go practice if you want. Don't forget that it is password protected.
All the rules apply to this round, so you have to obey + use the right name tag.
This thread is closed