Why does this code produce these numbers. I'm sure that 0^2 is zero and yet I'm getting an positive float from sqrt(0^2 + 0^2 + 0^2) the statement. The four screen shots below show the car stationary before the start light, stationary 30 seconds after the start light, one minute past the start light and then at 200.3 mph. Values shown on screen are, from left to right, Green number = X delta, Yellow number = Y delta, Red number = Z delta, White number = distance delta (as compared from last MCI packet, as shown in the code the matters part.) and Blue number = total distance.
Code that matters:
My point with this being, that if $X, $Y & $Z = 0 then the result of sqrt($X^2 + $Y^2 + $Z^2) should also be zero, but it's not. For reasons I don't understand it's 1.4142135623731. It can't be a math rounding error, it makes no sense for this to be a binary to float conversion error because 0 is just zero! In binary a float is 32 zeros in a row, why would this then produce a non-zero number?
Full code:
Code that matters:
// Calculate Distance
$X = abs($cCoords->X - $lCoords->X);
$Y = abs($cCoords->Y - $lCoords->Y);
$Z = abs($cCoords->Z - $lCoords->Z);
$this->DISTANCE[$PLID] = sqrt($X^2 + $Y^2 + $Z^2);
Full code:
class distance extends Plugins {
const NAME = 'Distance Meter';
const AUTHOR = "Mark 'Dygear' Tomlin";
const VERSION = '0.1.0';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Shows a distance meter.';
private $BTNs = array(); # Array of IS_BTN instances.
private $COORDs = array(); # Array of the last known coords for each player.
private $DISTANCE = array(); # Array of total distance traveled by each player.
public function __construct() {
$this->registerPacket('onMCI', ISP_MCI);
public function onMCI($Packet) {
foreach ($Packet->Info as $CompCar) {
$PLID = $CompCar->PLID;
// Spawn a new button instance if one is not here.
if (!isset($this->BTNs[$PLID])) {
$BTN = new IS_BTN;
# X Delta
$BTN->ClickID(13)->T(178)->L(26)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 4)->Text('V')->Send();
$BTN->ClickID(23)->T(178)->L(29)->W(19)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 4)->Text('X Delta')->Send();
$BTN->ClickID(33)->T(178)->L(48)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 4)->Text('V')->Send();
$this->BTNs[$PLID]['X'] = new IS_BTN;
$this->BTNs[$PLID]['X']->ClickID(3)->T(184)->L(26)->W(25)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 4)->Send()->W(0)->H(0);
# Y Delta
$BTN->ClickID(14)->T(178)->L(51)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 1)->Text('V')->Send();
$BTN->ClickID(24)->T(178)->L(54)->W(19)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 1)->Text('Y Delta')->Send();
$BTN->ClickID(34)->T(178)->L(73)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 1)->Text('V')->Send();
$this->BTNs[$PLID]['Y'] = new IS_BTN;
$this->BTNs[$PLID]['Y']->ClickID(4)->T(184)->L(51)->W(25)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 1)->Send()->W(0)->H(0);
# Z Delta
$BTN->ClickID(15)->T(178)->L(76)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 5)->Text('V')->Send();
$BTN->ClickID(25)->T(178)->L(79)->W(19)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 5)->Text('Z Delta')->Send();
$BTN->ClickID(35)->T(178)->L(98)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 5)->Text('V')->Send();
$this->BTNs[$PLID]['Z'] = new IS_BTN;
$this->BTNs[$PLID]['Z']->ClickID(5)->T(184)->L(76)->W(25)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 5)->Send()->W(0)->H(0);
# Distance Delta
$BTN->ClickID(16)->T(178)->L(101)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 3)->Text('V')->Send();
$BTN->ClickID(26)->T(178)->L(104)->W(19)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 3)->Text('Distance Delta')->Send();
$BTN->ClickID(36)->T(178)->L(123)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 3)->Text('V')->Send();
$this->BTNs[$PLID]['Dist'] = new IS_BTN;
$this->BTNs[$PLID]['Dist']->ClickID(6)->T(184)->L(101)->W(25)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + ISB_RIGHT + 3)->Send()->W(0)->H(0);
# Total Distance
$BTN->ClickID(17)->T(178)->L(126)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 6)->Text('V')->Send();
$BTN->ClickID(27)->T(178)->L(129)->W(19)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 6)->Text('Total Distance')->Send();
$BTN->ClickID(37)->T(178)->L(148)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 6)->Text('V')->Send();
$this->BTNs[$PLID]['Totl'] = new IS_BTN;
$this->BTNs[$PLID]['Totl']->ClickID(7)->T(184)->L(126)->W(25)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + ISB_RIGHT + 6)->Send()->W(0)->H(0);
// Setup our Coord data.
$lCoords = (isset($this->COORDs[$PLID])) ? $this->COORDs[$PLID] : $CompCar;
$cCoords = $CompCar;
// Calculate Distance
$X = abs($cCoords->X - $lCoords->X);
$Y = abs($cCoords->Y - $lCoords->Y);
$Z = abs($cCoords->Z - $lCoords->Z);
$this->DISTANCE[$PLID] = sqrt($X^2 + $Y^2 + $Z^2);
// Update Buttons
$this->BTNs[$PLID]['Totl']->Text($this->BTNs[$PLID]['Totl']->Text += $this->DISTANCE[$PLID])->Send();
$this->COORDs[$PLID] = $cCoords;