ajuda urgente
(9 posts, started )
#1 - slkt
ajuda urgente
boa tarde
é o seguinte eu formatei o computador com o windows 7 ultimate
e agora quero jogar e nao dá
fala das drives nao sei o que
peço ajuda muito obrigado
You probably mainly need to install GPU (graphics) drivers (do you have ATI or NVIDIA card?).

Give here some info about your PC. I believe guys here will help you to find correct drivers.
You can download LFS from lfs.net (any mirror).
Use English here please.
At least use this to translate http://translate.google.com/ or ask on LFS Portuguese/Spanish forum.
Cheers Mich
#3 - Mogar
Well, I will help you translating your question first:

"Hello guys,

I've formatted my computer and installed Windows 7

Now I want to play LFS and I can't, it complains about drivers and things like that.

I kindly ask for your help.

Thank you in advance"

SLKT, estes drivers são programas que fazem funcionar as funções do seu computador, como aceleração 3d de vídeo, som e outras coisas do gênero.

Primeira coisa é verificar quais peças compõem seu computador, e baixar os "drivers" no site do fabricante. Essencialmente o driver da placa de vídeo (geralmente é Nvidia ou ATI).

Sem eles, o LFS não vai rodar pois não consegue ativar as funções do seu computador.

Espero ter ajudado.
Jugar las dentos en la cama buenos noches.
#5 - J@tko
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Jugar las dentos en la cama buenos noches.

He's Portuguese. That's Spanish.
Herp a derp
Quote from J@tko :He's Portuguese. That's Spanish.

I wouldn't dare to call that spanish, as I can't understand it
#8 - J@tko
Quote from Whiskey :I wouldn't dare to call that spanish, as I can't understand it

Haha last night when I read it I thought it was me being really tired, but even now it still makes no sense
Quote from Whiskey :I wouldn't dare to call that spanish, as I can't understand it

I'll come clean.. I just threw spanish sounding words together.

ajuda urgente
(9 posts, started )