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Can you heat your rear (Bf1 tyres) F1 style?
Hi guys,

I think its really quite impressive to see Alonso and others heat their rear tyres by flicking the car left/right/left very quickly with TC disabled (I think!). We saw this is not without risks as someone left the track (Monty?) doing that a few races ago. But if it was *really* risky I doubt they'd do it so we should be able to do it to a good extent as well for a few seconds before we loose it..

Has anyone tried and replicated this in LFS? Its quite quick in real life and is a good 'physics test' as the tyres experience constant changing straight on and sideways spin and slip. I haven't been able to do it in LFS myself yet (seems to be too slow left/right, bit sluggish and soon too 'long' periods of oversteer) but I'm looking for some impressive replays here..

Lets all have a go!

I can't find a vid of F1 guys doing it, that would be nice to compare against.. :/
i tried... didnt work
or atleast it didnt do me to much good... plus, my tires get so hot in that thing so fast i dont really worry

plus lol when would you be able to do that? (i mean.. if we had warmup laps before the start, that would make sense, but otherwise... dunno what you would need it for)
Quote from XCNuse :
plus lol when would you be able to do that? (i mean.. if we had warmup laps before the start, that would make sense, but otherwise... dunno what you would need it for)

would be useful for just before a hotlap ?
not enough time in hotlapping, thats when i tried it also.. when hotlapping you usually spend the first lap.. doing the actual lap if its a short track (in my case, SO Classic), because if its a fast set, you dont really need to heat up your tires, because at the end of the lap they are already .. hot (in hotlapping..)
I'd be happy if we could do it in the game, just like they do in reality. Maybe it has not much use, but if it works 'yay' for LFS physics ^^

btw, don't the F1 cars have somewhat pre-heated tyres even before the warmup lap? I guess they are not just cold, as we have them starting a session in LFS
Well its not much the actual warming of the tyres, its more a very interesting test for LFS physics.
cant do it in LFS, too much understeer (low grip level).
I think alonso uses TC to do his tyre warming technique and was one of the first things i tried to replicate in the BF1!

I could do it (ie keep the rear wheels sliding and sawing at the wheel) but no where near as quickly as Alonso does it. And usually crashed after a couple of attempts.

Alonso is da man

ps id attach my attempts but IE wont let me open links from inside a web page in a new window (manage attachments doesnt work)
It was one of the first things I did with the BF1, pretty easy.
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tyreheating.rar - 1.5 MB - 420 views
Quote from Levi1 :It was one of the first things I did with the BF1, pretty easy.

i stand corrected... nice
any drifter here will boast how easy it is for them to do it, but i dunno why a drifter would be in a bf1
Drifting in the BF1? Sort of beside the point I would've thought. Sheesh, it'd be like racing one at the oval ... .. .
#15 - Gunn
I've been doing it (swivel thingy) in the FOX for ages. Just remember that lateral forces don't heat a tyre much (swerving from side to side) but longditudanal ones do (burnouts, heavy braking/accelleration). When Schumacher and Alonso do that swivel thing it's really the rears that get heated, the fronts (theoretically) should heat up a bit faster than just swerving since they have some longditudinal slip but still it's mainly the rears that benefit. It does work in LFS as far as I can tell and for the same reasons it works in real life.

The swivel motion also helps to scrub the tyre in across the whole width.
Well i think it would be really kool. I'll try it. As to where you use it, the SimFiA F1 season and other seasons have Safety car periods...I would use it then Great idea, especially if noone else wants to try


#17 - JTbo
I think they have TC setting for tire warm up in F1, as they have different settings for launch and wet too.
I get the feeling that its actually a pretty hard thing to do well without spinning.

At Imola this weekend the UK TV presenters (martin brundle and mark blundell, ex f1 drivers) kept making the point that it requires a lot of confidence in the car to do it aggressively enough for it to work.
But bear in mind Blundell is a fat, stupid man who appears to have forgotten anything he once knew. I think it's all those years of being next to Jim Rosental. His (Jim's) lack of knowledge on F1 was so supreme that it just saps knowledge from anyone standing near him like a great big useless black hole.

Martin Brundle though I have enourmous respect for - must keep clear of Jim.

Do you have or can you post a replay of that? I can't do it and end up in big slow left/right slides that look a bit dubious! Yet your video looks pretty convincing..
Yeah it is possible coz ive done it a couple times before, but u do need apply enough throttle to start a burn to cause it. The setups have a bit of understeer so its not too bad to control When traction control is off the wheels just burn madly, slow starts when doing that now. With Q patch you could burn out with the FO8 and quite easily, and get excellent start times leaving the opposition in the dust.
Quote from Niels Heusinkveld :I haven't been able to do it in LFS myself yet (seems to be too slow left/right, bit sluggish and soon too 'long' periods of oversteer) but I'm looking for some impressive replays here..

Wheel sluggishness can also be an effect of the "wheel turn compensation" and "analogue steer smoothing" settings, it's quite apparent at low speeds.
Quote from tristancliffe :But bear in mind Blundell is a fat, stupid man who appears to have forgotten anything he once knew. I think it's all those years of being next to Jim Rosental. His (Jim's) lack of knowledge on F1 was so supreme that it just saps knowledge from anyone standing near him like a great big useless black hole.

Here you go Niels.
I used the default setup with TC on (7% slip).
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tyreheating.spr - 17.5 KB - 289 views
#25 - wE1l
Quote from JTbo :I think they have TC setting for tire warm up in F1, as they have different settings for launch and wet too.

According to Martin Brundle, they swtich TC off when doing the stunt.