CTD in Home LAN
(7 posts, started )
CTD in Home LAN
Hello all,

I've just recently gotten LFS (S1) and am very pleased with the sim. Just been practicing offline. Looking forward to racing online when I get a bit more practiced. But I tried to set up a Local (LAN) session with my son today. We connected fine (after opening the firewall), but after less than a lap, LFS crashes to the desktop. We tried it four times with the same result. It's always the host machine that crashes with a LFS.exe has stopped working message.

I searched the forum for info on this. I looked in the manual, but I'm wondering if there's some settings that are perhaps causing this problem. Both my computers are very strong computers so both have pretty high settings. Is that possibly an issue?

Anyone know where to start to troubleshoot this?
As far as I'm aware of there is no known issue with LFS crashing to desktop during LAN game, so it's very likely a problem with your computer. A general advice is to update all drivers and check for viruses and other malware. A fresh install of LFS might also help sometimes. What are your computer specs?
No I don't think it's a problem with my computer. It doesn't ctd with any other programs/sims. It's a i7 920 at 3.8GHz with 6gb DDR3 1600 and a GTX 275 nVidia card. I've hosted mp a number of times in FSX without issues (except for my crappy dsl speed). But this is LAN through my home router, so that's not an issue. We connect just fine. But less than a lap through, the host machine crashes. I haven't had LFS installed for more than a couple of days and haven't modified anything, so I'm not sure why a reinstall would help.

No malware. I use Sophos and it does a good job. I'm not having any other problems. Drivers are all up to date.

I may try joining some public servers later today to see how that works, but again, it seems to be something about hosting that is the problem.

You could try running LFS with your CPU set back at stock speed. I'm sure you've done some stability tests, but I've seen some cases when OC'ed CPU caused LFS to crash...
Try hosting a session with the dedi server.
And see if the server crashes, might be useful to find out. Have you tried hosting the game in the other machine? If so, it's the same result ? Are you running a firewall/av program? Have you tried disabling it just to test the lan play ?
Yeah, it's stable at 3.8 at stock voltages. And I've put in at least 10 hours in the game in single player without any issue.

But I'll try hosting on a dedi server. Good idea. And I'll try hosting with the other computer. Another good idea.

EDIT: Figured it out! Could host fine on the other computer, so tried to figure out what was different between the two. We were using Teamspeak, so I closed TS and hosted again on mine. Worked fine. Then I realized that I have a TS overlay plugin on mine that's not on the other pc. Apparently, LFS doesn't mind that overlay in SP, but hates it in MP! Go figure! Anyway, took the plugin out and we ran a race together just fine with Teamspeak going as well.

First time I drove a new track as well -- South City. This sim is fantastic. What a great track!
Welcome to the forums Griphos

Great you figured out what the problem was.

South city is great with some huge bumps in places it has some amazing configs some can be really challanging in the reverse direction too.

With S2 amongst other things you also get Aston, one of my all time favorite tracks in AS2 (Aston club) so one to try if/when you upgrade to s2


CTD in Home LAN
(7 posts, started )