The online racing simulator
Baltic Cup 2011: Round 2 (Penalties)
Penalties from Round 2, RB4@Bl2r

Chatting during the race:

EE - G.Tamm: (2 lines) = +20sec
EE - S.Juurme: (1 line) = +10sec
LT - J.Bakšys: (1 line) = +10sec

Shortcutting during the race:

Penalties were given by this criteria:
*At least 4 wheels on grass. All 4 wheels must be on grass 100% without touching the curb.
*In case of 2 cars side by side in one turn, the penalties were not given.
*In case of a crash, caused by other drivers or other drivers fault, the penalties were not given.

Penalties for T1:
EE - A.Kikas: (Laps: 2 & 24) = +10sec
EE - G.Tamm: (Lap: 29) = WARNING
LT - M.Runas: (Laps: 34 & 35) = +10sec
LT - D.Lipčius: (Lap: 8) = WARNING

If anyone notices any mistake, please tell me.
If any of other community admins want to say or change something, please do.(Penalties given by A.Pavars)

Penalties might be updated/changed if needed.
This thread is closed