Quote from broken :
And tell me how is it dying, when right now(19:34 GMT+2), there are 1284 people online..

Well, maybe you should have mentioned, that 75% of the 1200 people were Demo racers.

Demo Racers= no money

Some of us are adult enough to let a the Devs time to make her work good.

The other ones will moan till the end of time.
Quote from Xenix74 :
The other ones will moan till the end of time.

>Implying moaning and constructive criticism are the same.
Quote from pepijnb :I did, but I don't buy that either. I think they would've never made an announcement nor would they've demoed the car if that would've been the case.

The story just doesn't add up and the time passed since then, the inactivity and this with all respect for the physics lesson, thin 'progress' report doesn't make it any better.

And how would implementing a (at that time) new VW car in your race sim could be possible WITHOUT some form of licensing and quid pro quo do you think?

It's all speculation. And as all of us are, of course I'm a big fan of this software. But I just don't buy this story. And even when it is true. Development and communication is at an all time low which isn't a good sign.

We all want the same. That this fantastic simulator keeps very alive.

DURR :3 Ok, but, they announced the VW Scirocco, and THEN a physics thingy comes up when they beta test it, doesnt that sound kinda likely. I reckon that you've seen it but there is several videos of people driving the Scirocco in LFS on various gameshows. And ofc the demo video from LFS themselves.

Quote from Xenix74 :Some of us are adult enough to let a the Devs time to make her work good.

Quote from broken :


And, no, I don't want the communication being more alive. I don't even think that the developers should write any more progress reports. Not, because I am not interested, no, I am interested in what's going on, but it is because the moaners won't(and they didn't) miss this occasion to go all supermario and tell the devs how they suck, and how their game is dying, and so on, and so on, and so on. If I was on the devs' place, I'd close the forum until the patch is done.

you're joking right? As a developer, your community is your main asset. I'm all for good, content rich communication, only speaking when you've got something to say... But you cannot ignore let alone shutdown your community. No offence, but that's a really bad idea. Also, be careful with the 'moaner' label. Before you know it, you're labeling complaining clients this way, thus ignoring them. And the way I see it, a complaining client is always a good client. One you should listen and respond to.

Quote from broken :
And this wasn't all pointed at you, pepijnb, but I was speaking more in general. Actually, most of it was general talk. (if that sentence made any sense)

No worries, this is a forum, people give their opinions
Quote from Chupacabras84 :>Implying moaning and constructive criticism are the same.

Criticism is only constructive when it has been requested. It hasn't been requested in this circumstance, so it's just moaning.
Quote from Intrepid :Criticism is only constructive when it has been requested. It hasn't been requested in this circumstance, so it's just moaning.

Could you give me source on that rule because as for now it seems to me you made something up to prove me wrong when in reality there is no such a rule.
Analogically when in restaurant i eat soup which is a bit too salty do you want to tell me i cant tell chief about it?

Anyway I wonder are devs really dont care what users think about their work?
Well according to you they dont i guess you have your sources and stuff.
Ok guys we can back off devs dont care about you anymore nor your opinion cuz this guy said so and he know for sure.
They cared about you and your opinions in the beginning but obviously its not the case now.
Quote from Intrepid :Criticism is only constructive when it has been requested. It hasn't been requested in this circumstance, so it's just moaning.

that doesn't sound very logical..

Like when I say to my friend (without his request) : That is not a very good way to take that corner, if you slow down a bit and steer in from the far right just before the 50 sign, and put the throttle on at the apex, you'd go way faster!

Seems pretty constructive criticism to me
I really wish the (test) patch were out, so all this would sease. This thread is just a copy of the old one.
I fear that is not going to happen in the next couple of months

Quote from Scawen :This thread is going to be here a long time.

Quote from Nadeo4441 :I fear that is not going to happen in the next couple of months
Quote from Scawen :This thread is going to be here a long time.

Maybe he just said that to stop us from saying "patch today" every friday... but it seems more reasonable to think that this means we are going to be left without a patch and another progress report for couple of months. Lucky we

Quote from Scawen :these things from the real world will be best experienced with the most realistic physics system.

Did he mean "the most realistic physics system LFS ever had" or is he saying that new physics will kick the shit out of other sims?
Alright everyone, yes we've all been waiting a very long time, yes I am sure many of you as I am worried LFS was going to die, but, once again, things are going to take time (clearly).

Whether your post be critiquing, moaning, whining, commenting; what have you, it will not speed up any process. Many of you have been here a very long time, and I know the devs are very proud to have such a strong base of fans out there, enough to keep them through the good and bad, and that is very important.

Here, we are a family with similar interests. Let's not get carried away with not getting S3 for Christmas this year, just.. keep the comments positive please.

Quote from Intrepid :Criticism is only constructive when it has been requested. It hasn't been requested in this circumstance, so it's just moaning.

Lol at that, if you think this way of working is the right one you are either stupid or ignorant.
Let's just put the updates away for a second.
Do you see any interest in the community from the devs?
Do you see any official league, promotion, whatever that will keep the actual users onto the game and let new potential ones know the game?
I see nothing of this and frankly their interest in the community has always been kept to a minimum.
The fact that the "progress report" was probably written because people complains and not because devs wanted to do it is a clear sign of their interest in their own project.
Are we (moaners, as you call us) pretending that much?
If they have lost motivation and passion in throughout the years the only thing they can do is tell us.
I don't to force anymore but i don't like the fact that a trio like them is still seen as people who care about their customers because clearly they don't.
It's not a matter of the game or physics anymore, it's just a matter of honesty and transparency.
Is it hard to understand or you can't do anything but taking their defenses whatever the case?
Quote from XCNuse :just.. keep the comments positive please.


Is this an advertising lesson?
You see, things don't always go good and well and if something goes wrong people have the right to say it, especially because they're part of the community, like you are.
If we want to be precise positive comments do not speed up the development as well so i can't see what's this "positiveness" about.
Should i pop a Mumm because LFS is stuck with the same content since 2008?
I guess not and even if they don't care (i am sure they don't, and it's clear) i still want to point that out.
I don't like the way this is done and there's no way to be offended just because all you want to hear is positive stuff.
Quote from IlGuercio :Is this an advertising lesson?
You see, things don't always go good and well and if something goes wrong people have the right to say it, especially because they're part of the community, like you are.
If we want to be precise positive comments do not speed up the development as well so i can't see what's this "positiveness" about.
Should i pop a Mumm because LFS is stuck with the same content since 2008?
I guess not and even if they don't care (i am sure they don't, and it's clear) i still want to point that out.
I don't like the way this is done and there's no way to be offended just because all you want to hear is positive stuff.

Well f**k off then. Stop spamming this forum with all your negitive bullshit and just go away. Nobody is keeping you here and i doubt anyone wants you here either. Go litter iRacing or whatever with your constant bitching.
Debating with the scavier protection defence squad on the topic of slow development is like trying to play chess with a pigeon; it knocks the pieces over, defecates on the board, and flies back to its flock to brag about how it won.
Quote from Matrixi :Debating with the scavier protection defence squad on the topic of slow development is like trying to play chess with a pigeon; it knocks the pieces over, defecates on the board, and flies back to its flock to brag about how it won.

You just did that very same thing you said.
Quote from IlGuercio :....
Do you see any interest in the community from the devs?
Do you see any official league, promotion, whatever that will keep the actual users onto the game and let new potential ones know the game?

You mean promoting an unfinished "game" that is known in the "scene" for quite a long time.
How many people actually care about a simulation? Answer: Not Many - simple as that. The people who care know LFS by the time. (maybe even more than iracing)

And why should they babysit a community, when there is nothing to gain for them !?
Quote from Amynue :Maybe he just said that to stop us from saying "patch today" every friday...

if it only was true...
Lol, i see nobody grasp the concept here.
All is good, LFS is at its best, DEVS are super, bla bla bla.
Does it offend you so much that people can have different opinion from yours? Am i trying to discuss some point but there isn't a point some people want to discuss because we can't speak bad of LFS.
Why should devs care about the community?
Well, guess what, the community is what is keeping LFS alive in many ways and it should be thanked since the game is stagnating.
It's really a fight against windmills, you people have to make yourself some questions from time to time.
WTF Canadian pirates ?
Quote from IlGuercio :Lol, i see nobody grasp the concept here.
All is good, LFS is at its best, DEVS are super, bla bla bla.
Does it offend you so much that people can have different opinion from yours? Am i trying to discuss some point but there isn't a point some people want to discuss because we can't speak bad of LFS.
Why should devs care about the community?
Well, guess what, the community is what is keeping LFS alive in many ways and it should be thanked since the game is stagnating.
It's really a fight against windmills, you people have to make yourself some questions from time to time.

Well. as you know, LFS is sold in stores worldwide, with a huge marketing campaign behind it, so there´s no need for any of us to promote it for licenses to sell...
And of course, when you buy a license there´s thousands of servers provided by the devs to race on, so there´s no need for any of us to put time and money to pay and maintain the servers for everyone to race...
And, let´s not forget, the endless leagues and championships the devs organized all these years, removing us the trouble and hard work needed to do that.
So, as you, and everyone can see, they haven´t got any reason to care about their community.
This thread is closed

Progress Report December 2010
(1653 posts, closed, started )