somebody deleted my last post????
I love it when people read my posts through clearly before replying.

I never stated that me and a small team of people could create a simulation with the advanced tyre physics model in 2 years. I said that we should be able to come up with a product comparable to what LFS currently offers now in 2 years assuming I had the basic programming skills that anyone developing a game would expect to have before starting.
I can think of quite a few racing games/simulations that were released to the community within 2 years, they may not be the finished product, but that's the point, I never claimed that I could offer a finished product either, unless you consider S2 to be the finished LFS product which is what I was comparing to.
As to what my mechanics/motorsport background has given me in regards to the mathematics involved, I feel comfortable with my knowledge. It's just a case of learning how to convert those mathematics into program code which everyone who attempts this kind of thing has to learn at some point. I certainly don't see any loss there.
Yes, how dare people realize what you're saying and post rather than glancing at the first sentence and go "U R REDARD!".
Quote from Nick Brad :I love it when people read my posts through clearly before replying.

I never stated that me and a small team of people could create a simulation with the advanced tyre physics model in 2 years. I said that we should be able to come up with a product comparable to what LFS currently offers now in 2 years assuming I had the basic programming skills that anyone developing a game would expect to have before starting.
I can think of quite a few racing games/simulations that were released to the community within 2 years, they may not be the finished product, but that's the point, I never claimed that I could offer a finished product either, unless you consider S2 to be the finished LFS product which is what I was comparing to.
As to what my mechanics/motorsport background has given me in regards to the mathematics involved, I feel comfortable with my knowledge. It's just a case of learning how to convert those mathematics into program code which everyone who attempts this kind of thing has to learn at some point. I certainly don't see any loss there.

that's all well and good, but when's your next patch coming out? we've been waiting more than a week.
Quote from Nick Brad :I love it when people read my posts through clearly before replying.

I never stated that me and a small team of people could create a simulation with the advanced tyre physics model in 2 years. I said that we should be able to come up with a product comparable to what LFS currently offers now in 2 years assuming I had the basic programming skills that anyone developing a game would expect to have before starting.

Yes, that's what I understood you to mean. Keep us updated with progress reports
As for talk about the gfx, I love them how it is. Simple understated, does the job and I think it;s better than all of the "brown" 1 billion megaquadruplepixel games. I play the game for the physics not for the crappy "cool smoke and shiny tracks! If you want gfx go play another game. If you want physics stay put.
i think if i can get these darn ps3/xbox controllers more compatible with all cars then bring on the Rustwagon...

but until controllers are sorted, i dont wanna take out my DFP cause tis too big and bulky on my current desk and too loud in the evenings...

also shaders would be great, all lfs needs is a handful of small fixes which can and should be handed out to the most talented here ( such as shaders ) while the bigger tasks ( well, more priority anyways ) are taken care of...

if not, When someone does make it... Adopt it into LFS and credit the maker; no harm done, everything to gain.
what do you think scawen?????
I think its retarded as there's a learning curve to development, and do you really want to teach all these people how to kinda work with LFS detracting from scawens real dev time?
Scawen is doing one hell of a job with emulating real physics in LFS. I think he's the best guy in the world at that task

if you guys are not happy, send him your resume and hope that he hire you to bring him coffee and take care of his family
Quote from Mazink :Scawen is doing one hell of a job with emulating real physics in LFS. I think he's the best guy in the world at that task

if you guys are not happy, send him your resume and hope that he hire you to bring him coffee and take care of his family

The best ?? no.

Learning as he goes along and doing a decent job at that ?? yep.

nobody is The best; But its getting their, sadly the time required to make a game of the spec required to keep up with modern gaming is far too much for a single dev even if it where his/her full time job.
I think you don't know what you're talking about. (Oh wait, I know this!)
Quote from JPeace :He has a point though.

Some things are better left unsaid, regardless of the negative posts that brought it on. It's probably not typical of his character, but the few posts he has made to date, make it difficult to decide otherwise.
Quote from Nick Brad :As to what my mechanics/motorsport background has given me in regards to the mathematics involved, I feel comfortable with my knowledge. It's just a case of learning how to convert those mathematics into program code which everyone who attempts this kind of thing has to learn at some point. I certainly don't see any loss there.

Quote from rich uk :As for talk about the gfx, I love them how it is. Simple understated, does the job and I think it;s better than all of the "brown" 1 billion megaquadruplepixel games. I play the game for the physics not for the crappy "cool smoke and shiny tracks! If you want gfx go play another game. If you want physics stay put.

and why not having both, graphics and physics, in it? why did the devs even bother to design the track environment? because it adds to the experience
There's no need for bloom or any other eye candy for eye candy's sake.

I'd take better sound esthetics to go with what's already great functionality (inarguably better than e.g. iRacing's), before any major graphics updates. Graphics wise I'd only add small functional bits, e.g. brake glow, sparks, bodywork damage.

Overall I'll take new physics with corresponding placeholder graphics, rather than new graphics and consequently delayed physics updates. Driveline elasticity that you can feel as well as we feel the chassis today, tires that snap like real ones, and so on... All these functional things are better than eye candy. Each truly functional bit that's added improves players' interface with the virtual car and track. That's more important than some shallow graphics improvements.

Having a sim like LFS that's got physics pushed to the max that our consumer computers can handle, running on our current "outdated" graphics, would be easily a huge success. Because this audience that LFS caters to is savvy to realism already. And with that success LFS could go on to then add the eye candy varnish... But switch things around - fancy graphics and middling sim physics - and what do you have? The same thing every other racing game offers. Nice graphics and physics no better or worse than every other racer and sim racer out there. Physics not good enough to clearly set LFS apart from them. Fancy graphics wouldn't save LFS in those circumstances.
(Rynno666) DELETED by Rynno666
S3 When are you coming??? Tell me do anything ...
Quote from Rynno666 :S3 When are you coming??? Tell me do anything ...

ok. hows about wait...
Quote from 91mason91 :Tell that one to your government.

Nice one, but i didn't vote for him 3 years ago.
Quote from IlGuercio :What about answers?

that made as much sense as tits to a nun. Rynno666 asked "Tell me do anything." i answered "wait." job done.
In fact i am waiting, everyone is but looks like somebody can find time to post an old and obsolete version of this game (which should not be played anymore because it has issues, right?) and doesn't want to answer those questions about new content and stuff NOT related directly to the tyre physics.
This thread is closed

Progress Report December 2010
(1653 posts, closed, started )