The online racing simulator
R E V S - Race Enthusiasts Virtuoso Serie
Welcome to R E V S. My name is Jouni, I´m 50y old and live in Finland.
As race admins. (I wont be racing) my job is to spectate and do my best to see that all enjoy the racing.

Intro :
Practice, practice and practice. The solid good advice for all to be better and faster drivers online. However, not all have as much time as they would like to practice to the level they would like to. Real life could be hectic at some times.
R E V S is here for you guys that would like to compete in a series (no sign-ups needed) that controls and levels out the preparation for the races. Its not 100% of course, as thats impossible, but it does to some level.
So, how does R E V S work? - Well, simply by not having a race menu for all to see, therefore not knowing what car and what track is to be raced this round. This means that once the (password protected) server opens, starts a 30 min practice session for all to join in and get the feel of the car and track and tweak setup. Then follows a 15 min qualifying session for race grid. Races will be set to 5-15 laps to make the race time to apr. 15-20 mins.
....this is just silly? - see rules.
Cars and tracks :
- All 12 tin tops, 2 rag tops and RAC will be raced. 1 of them each round/week. =15 cars.
- 15 tracks (no rally/dirt or oval) out of the 20 tracks in game. Counting tracks in both directions this means, possible 40 layouts to be raced. Even at the last round, it would be pure guessing whats it going to be.
Race schedule : - Series start date t.b.a. later. Possable a few warmup Wednesdays to try it out.
- R E V S server (located in the UK) will be restarted every Wednesday at 19:00 GMT for the 30 mins practice session. Only then will appear the track/car combo.
- Qualifying session is 15 mins.
- Races are apr 15-20 mins depending on layout and number of laps.
- Weather (time of day) is randomly picked by race admins. However there will be no wind.
Championships :
- 1. R E V S overall Champion. (points from all competed races.)
- 2. Road car Champion. Points from all road car races. (UF1, XFG, XRG, RB4, FXO, XRT and FZ5)
- 3. Racing car Champion. Points from all racing car races. (UFR, XFR, FXR, XRR and FZR)
- 4. Sports Car Champion. Points from LX4, LX6 and RAC races.
Points :
- Depends totally on how many show up to race and qualify. (R E V S server is slotted for 20 racers.)
- Last place finisher gets 1 point. Second last 2 points. So the race winner gets as many points as how many have qualified to race.
But I want to compete for just one particular championship :
- Thats fine, as there is no signups you are not obligated to race every round. However, I cant help you on telling you when your championship race is to be raced. So, best solution would be to keep a look out when the server restarts to see what race is on that round.
Sign up :
- There is none. R E V S is simply first in, first served. R E V S server is slotted for 20 racers. However, we will be monitoring and checking that racers causing lag and warping, will be kindly asked to leave the server to ensure a fair and good race. This could mean a possible slot will open at any given moment.
Rules :
- R E V S races are organized for the enjoyment and fun for all. Good sportsmanship and Gentlemen racing etiquette is required.
- Race restarts voting will be turned OFF. A possible race restart (by admins) will only happen if a driver calls controller failure.
- All drivers will be asked to answer to the "ready" call to assure all are on track and ready to race. All cars must be in the grid area, so I can see that their on track.
- Rear assing (causing an off track run) a fellow competator is penalized by a "pit lane drive through." Failing to do so, will lead to a DQing.
- Gaining a position by rear assing is not considered gentleman racing. The right thing to do, is wait (in a safe part of the track, or on the side) for him to continue racing in front of you.
- I will be monitoring the starts and the racing. Replays will be checked and points given after replay check only.
- Server password for each round will be posted at only. (R E V S forum)
Note: Its quite obvious that some rear ending, and racing incidents will happen, especially with this limited race preparation. Due to that, its quite obvious that racers should take extra care racing together. Penalties must be taken as ruled.
Attached images