The online racing simulator
WolleT / Boothy / MoE LFS-Tracker
(80 posts, started )
WolleT / Boothy / MoE LFS-Tracker
Hi there :o

After numerous requests to allow others to use a tracker, I've decided that now is a good time to release my modified version of the original WolleT/MoE/LFS-tracker. Basically it's become harder to make improvements to it, and personally I don't see why it should be kept private especially as the original creator said it should become open source! So I have cleaned it up a bit and sorted a few of the issues, to make it ready for public release.

Some background information:

This tracker has been modified from the tracker I got way back in July 2009 when NDR took over the running of GTAL, mainly in the visual and features department. However the main design and workings of the tracker have stayed the same, while using some of the stuff already there to create more useful features. The new version has been used in MoE, IGTC, GTAL, 16 hours, and other events. Over the past month or so I have worked on cleaning up loose ends, and creating documentation so that it can be released.

The original tracker creator indicated that it should be released as an open source project, so I have licensed the work appropriately.

Please note, the documentation is there to help explain as much of the tracker as I can. If you cannot get the tracker to work, I expect you to have read it thoroughly before you contact me asking for help, because if you clearly haven't then you will simply be ignored.

Thanks to WolleT for the original tracker, Kaspur for the changes he made and the help when I asked him stuff, Frankmd for the local tracker and to everyone who has suggested ideas.

Good luck with running events using the tracker!
Attached images
Attached files - 1.1 MB - 1274 views - 54.4 KB - 1048 views
WebTracker_WolleT-Boothy-MoE - 1.9 MB - 754 views
Thanks. My dreams are: noone is asking for anything about it. That are only dreams.
Missing racecontrol.html file from link "A listing of all server events". Maybe there are some more files missing. I found this now.

Description of Championship information is wrong.

Can you explain how to add more than 3 servers? That's are things that I think that should be fixed in docs.
thanks Mike! great contribution
Quote from misiek08 :Missing racecontrol.html file from link "A listing of all server events". Maybe there are some more files missing. I found this now.

Description of Championship information is wrong.

Can you explain how to add more than 3 servers? That's are things that I think that should be fixed in docs.

I linked to racecontrol.html because if you are viewing the docs at say, then it will link to racecontrol


You can add more than 3 servers by editing the switch statement at the start of stats2array.php. Probably could be done as a loop.
I will remake it as loop today evening. I think it will be done to 22:00 Europe/Warsaw Time.
I didn't have time so I did code below in few minutes. I hope someone will finish it.

'AND ( ';
$s 1$s < ($numServers 1); $s++){
$name 'manualIdServer' $s;
$race_id = ${$name};
$r_res = ...;
$race_id = ......;
// >=

It needs to get code from actual version and copy it to my loop.
Made a few changes before the final GTAL round:
  • Fixed a bug to do with sorting by team status
  • Changed the gap column to show the time to the first car on the same lap, and made each lap leader bold
  • Added the $trackerRoot variable to allow image sources to be chosen easier (url, "/", or false)
  • Added a chequered flag sector image for those finished the race
  • Implemented unlimited amount of servers to tracker by converting the switch statement into a loop
  • Removed sector image for teams that did not start
  • Fixed the refreshing in racecontrol.html
Nice work - thanks boothy!
Thank you, boothy.
Good to see my code used in official release. Great work! Thanks.
Changelog to 29-06-2011

Web tracker
  • Fixed a bug where IE would not show shorthand hex colour values correctly on racecontrol.html page
  • Added default css for each row where no class exists
  • Added 3 letter ISO alpha 3 for flag filenames
  • $trackerMode = “qualifying”/”practice” allows update.php to choose the files to allow qualifying tracking to happen, defaults to race
  • Added username to span title on current driver
  • Fixed a bug where the time remaining countdown would show “and xx seconds”
  • Track status tracking now searches for race control phrases inside server messages (uppercase only)
  • Tracker did not read teamStatus in teams.csv
Local tracker
  • Qualifying, practice and race now available (boolean settings in lines 6-8 of insim/vr.php)
  • Track code now shows in race table on restarts
  • Optional: Added ability to track car resets
  • Optional: show penalties from autocross race results in FINISH database entry
  • Optional: IGTC 2011 balancing, 2% + 5kg on FZR, shows “BAD JOIN” in racecontrol.html when a car does not have this.
  • Lap/split times are stored with ETime - time since session start, so correct sorting over multiple servers and more accurate race results are now possible

  • db.sql now contains an extra field for “time”
  • updated countries
  • updated local tracker information
Currently integrating qualifying/practice results display, having used it for LFSCART/iTCC in a separate tracker.
(misiek08) DELETED by misiek08
WebT: stats2array.php, Lines: 62 and 64. I think there should be ")" at the end of string because query will look like:

AND(raceid=123 AND(raceid=132 AND(raceid=221)

If you run the code in a separate php file, and echo $rid_string, don't you get this?

AND ( race_id='123' OR race_id='89' OR race_id='123' 

Oh sorry. I misinterpreted (GT) the code.
Changelog to 11-08-2011

Local tracker
  • Type column added to race table, contains race/qual/prac depending on the session type.
Other web tracker updates will be posted in the near future when they are ready to be released.
Thanks Boothy, I'll give it a try. Let's see if I can figure out how to make it work for me.
I have a error when I run the local "start_tracker"

Attached image (sorry its faded)
Attached images
Quote from Jonathon.provost :I have a error when I run the local "start_tracker"

Attached image (sorry its faded)

Do you have wamp installed ? Or at least php ?
Now I get this error also the page that I connect it to keep going to my host error page. but when i do /docs it works
Attached images
#22 - CSF
"Read the Documentation or you will simply be ignored."
I have I cant get it working


Please help !!
Changelog to 17-09-2011

Web tracker
  • Added images for 2 sector tracks and adjusted html code
  • Reduced overall best/team best lap font size
  • Fixed a bug where a car with a lap penalty would not show the correct value in the gap column
  • Fixed an internal bug in the display of times
  • Tracker now recognises DT/SGs from replays and display them on the index page and in racecontrol with the correct highlighting
  • Master team data now respects $useTeamsCSV
  • DB server in admin section displays a listing of the race table from the database, if it can connect to the MySQL server
  • Race control now sorts by created_on asc, after race_id asc; MySQL query and array now optimised
  • Adjusted team status display so that finishing a race takes precedence over being in the pits
  • Fixed span to make leading 0 in seconds in gap column invisible, to line up seconds/hundreths
  • Meta charset is now declared before the html title tag
  • MySQL now checks for a connection before attempting to select db and execture queries
  • Added average lap for each driver, controllable using $averagelap - false/true/>100 to set it off/on or to exclude laps over a certain percentage
  • Added total session time for each team, and the amount of time behind the last mutual lap with the leader if a lap down
  • Tracker now uses LFS’ ETime to track races, from the LAP packets, giving more accurate gap information
  • Fixed a bug introduced in the last update within racecontrol.php where the session status wouldn’t update automatically - proper match with race control phrases required
  • $trimFinished now removes pitstops and the pit in/out displayed in the last pit column after a team has finished the race
  • updated general, web and local tracker information
You can see the above features in action at the MoE tracker. The qualifying stuff is almost done, though if you need it now I can give it to you.

I have read threw the docs better this time. and when I try to use the db.sql file I get the following error.

"SQL query:

-- Table structure for table `data`

`lfsworld` VARCHAR( 40 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`value` VARCHAR( 250 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`lap` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', <----- there is a red icon here with a "!" in it
`race_id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`created_on` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`time` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ,
KEY `lfsworld` ( `lfsworld` ) ,
KEY `type` ( `type` ) ,
KEY `race_id` ( `race_id` )
) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_unicode_ci;

MySQL said:

#1046 - No database selected"

Please help ASAP!

WolleT / Boothy / MoE LFS-Tracker
(80 posts, started )