Ok, ignoring the never ending abuse - ROFL

, lets focus on what we agree on.
1: The war is all about stealing resources.
You were on the Anti-Iraq war marches, which is more than many people were !
You then ask, what can people do as clearly simply spending 1 min every 5 years voting is pointless at stopping your country committing war crimes.
There is a world wide movement to bring Blair, Bush, etc et al to trial for war crimes.
http://www.zimdiaspora.com/ind ... ernational&Itemid=342
http://www.globalresearch.ca/i ... ?context=va&aid=17350
If your government is not prepaired to follow international law then it's up to the people to ensure that their government behave in a legal manner.
If you or I commit murder and admit to the crime then we would face the consiquences, what makes other people above the law ?
And now for what we disagree on !
Please explain why I'm anti semetic ?
Or is it that your not allowed to criticise Israels actions and they too are above the law ?
I think not, I completely fail to see how pointing out Israels current actions is in any way different from criticising US, UK or NZ govt policy.
And now for a real laugh !
The following link is to a West Point ( Yes, US Military ) review of the Libyan revolutionarys
Guess what, they are Al Quida !.
So the US has come to the rescue of the people who are currently attacking them in Iraq and Afghanistan while their best mate ( Israel ) is feeding african mercinaries to support Gaddafi.
Who needs a conspiracy theory when reality is far more farcical, and fully documented.
2007 West Point Study Shows Benghazi-Darnah-Tobruk Area was a World Leader in Al Qaeda Suicide Bomber Recruitment
http://tarpley.net/2011/03/24/ ... d-us-nato-troops-in-iraq/
But since the Al Qaeda personnel files contain the residence or hometown of the foreign fighters in question, we can determine that the desire to travel to Iraq to kill Americans was not evenly distributed across Libya, but was highly concentrated precisely in those areas around Benghazi which are today the epicenters of the revolt against Colonel Gaddafi which the US, Britain, France, and others are so eagerly supporting.
As Daya Gamage of the Asia Tribune comments in a recent article on the West Point study, “…alarmingly for Western policymakers, most of the fighters came from eastern Libya, the center of the current uprising against Muammar el-Qaddafi. The eastern Libyan city of Darnah sent more fighters to Iraq than any other single city or town, according to the West Point report. It noted that 52 militants came to Iraq from Darnah, a city of just 80,000 people (the second-largest source of fighters was Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, which has a population of more than 4 million). Benghazi, the capital of Libya’s provisional government declared by the anti-Qaddafi rebels, sent in 21 fighters, again a disproportionate number of the whole.”4 Obscure Darnah edged out metropolitan Riyadh by 52 fighters to 51. Qaddafi’s stronghold of Tripoli, by contrast, barely shows up in the statistics at all. (See chart from West Point report, page 12)
And here are the rebels admitting this :
Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime.
March 25, 2011
In an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, Mr al-Hasidi admitted that he had recruited "around 25" men from the Derna area in eastern Libya to fight against coalition troops in Iraq. Some of them, he said, are "today are on the front lines in Adjabiya".
As former CIA operations officer Brian Fairchild writes, amid "the apparent absence of any plan for post-Gaddafi governance, an ignorance of Libya's tribal nature and our poor record of dealing with tribes, American government documents conclusively establish that the epicentre of the revolt is rife with anti-American and pro-jihad sentiment, and with al-Qaeda's explicit support for the revolt, it is appropriate to ask our policy makers how American military intervention in support of this revolt in any way serves vital US strategic interests".