It was on BBC news actually, about how this is the worst song in the world.
Let's take a step back and analyse.
Yes, it's a terrible song. Auto-tuned so much that it still sounds out of pitch and yes, the lyrics are not very good either. But it has a 13 year old who looks 16 so Pedobear approves in that department.
What gets me is that everyone in the car is not old enough to be in the car. Even the guy who was driving is probably 14...
Secondly, from this girls perpsective, she's doing something she's enjoying and a young girl such as her can be very sensitive when it comes to what the world thinks of her, especially when it's doing something she enjoys.
As for song lyrics nowadays, every song either seems to be about a) partying b) love/heartbreak or c) sex, so in that respect it's actually a change because a 14 year old can't party, they're just happy they don't have to go to school.
In terms of worse songs, I can think of a couple...Broken Strings by Nelly Furtardo/James Morrison springs to mind