The online racing simulator
Insim Building
(5 posts, started )
Insim Building
Hey all

Not sure if this has been answered already but just wanted to check. Main reason for asking the question below is simply put. Im fed up of insims and changing items and then all of a sudden the insim does not work.

I have got python + pyinsim. in the hope that just maybe it would take all of the code from the LFSLapper and show a sample. Also hoping that say you wanted to change a button you could so and it would auto input the code of text. Much like when you build a website these days and you place items or set up functions all the code is done for you .

Is there any programs that can do this.

So lets say i put LFSLapper into the said program. It will show a sample. Then i can lets say edit functions like the look of the welcome message and it will put the code in ???

Or do i need to sit down and learn all the insim codes and how to input code ???

Because tbh this

#Connect messages when a player joins the server#

Event OnConnect( $userName ) # Player event
$NickName = GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName");
$Posabs = GetCurrentPlayerVar("PosAbs");
$Groupqual = GetCurrentPlayerVar("GroupQual");

openPrivButton( "welc",25,50,150,15,12,-1,ISB_NONE, langEngine("%{main_welc1}%", $NickName ) );
openPrivButton( "pos",25,80,150,10,8,-1,ISB_NONE,langEngine("%{main_welc2}%",$Posabs,$Posqual,$Groupqual ) );
openPrivButton( "clos",78,120,20,10,10,-1,ISB_DARK,langEngine("%{main_accept}%"),OnConnectClose );
openPrivButton( "ref",103,120,20,10,10,-1,ISB_DARK,langEngine("%{main_deny}%"),OnConnectCloseKick );
http("" );


Above makes no F-ing sense to me.

im ok with most of the stuff but that above is just jiberish
#2 - amp88
Quote from Billicp :im ok with most of the stuff but that above is just jiberish

What do you think you're "ok" with?
$SwearWordsList = "";
#$SwearWordsList = "&./swear.txt";
$SwearWordsMax = 2; # Maximum number of allowed swearwords per session

Event OnSwearWords1( $userName ) # Player event
privMsg( langEngine( "%{main_swear11}%" ) );
privMsg( langEngine( "%{main_swear12}%", GetCurrentPlayerVar("SwearWordsRem") ) );

Event OnSwearWords2( $userName ) # Player event
privMsg( langEngine( "%{main_swear21}%" ) );
cmdLFS( "/spec " . GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName") );

Ok with stuff like that above ! adding values and so on . But the Priv buttons look and feel im not !
LFSLapper (aka lapper) is a made up InSim interface that's fairly easy to use.

You use it by itself - you don't put it into any other type of code.

For what part of your example means;

"welc",25,50,150,15,12,-1,ISB_NONElangEngine("%{main_welc1}%"$NickName ) );

This tells lapper to open a button that the person who just joined the server sees (private as against global for all to see), and the button ID is 'welc', and it's to be placed 25 from left (out of 200), 50 from top (out of 200), button to be 150 wide with 15 high text, and 12 high spacing if text on multiple lines, with time being -1 (ie never close button unless instructed elsewhere), and clear button background. Elsewhere in your lapper script, there's sections for languages. Depending on the language being used (e.g. English) then main_welc1 will look up

"^7Welcome {0} ^7to ^1LFSLapper ^7powered server !%nl%^2Type ^7!help ^2after leaving garage to see commands.";

The {0} in the welcome message will translate to the players nickname, which is in the openprivbutton text.

A lot of lapper is very easy to use straight off - in fact you could use it without changing anything.

I'm one of the people who've played around and changed it to suit what I want.

If you want to see it in action, go to my server
Sin'rs (Top Gear)
and see some of the things you can do with it.

Some of the available commands to use, are

ahhh ok thanks that makes sense now :-)

Insim Building
(5 posts, started )