The online racing simulator
Where does this picture come from? Looks like it's been taken on some shooting club gathering. Anyway... what can you say, this guy was clearly out of his mind...
I got it from this post: ... post.php?post_id=10446910 Click the + Show spoiler + link at the bottom of the post.

But then I noticed it is in the book near the end with some other pics which were on his facebook page.

EDIT: Notice the patch on his chest. This is what it says about it in the book:
Quote from Knights Templar 2038 :The badge of the Justiciar Knight

The badge of the Justiciar Knight illustrates a white skull, marked with the symbols of communism, Islam and Nazism on the forehead, impaled on the cross of the martyrs. The background is black. The badge of the Justiciar Knight illustrates our patriotic struggle/ opposition against all three primary hate ideologies of our time: Islam, Multiculturalism (Communism) and Nazism.

The badge of the Justiciar Knight is worn on the left upper arm while the national flag is worn on the right upper arm.

Our military uniform with commendations, insignia and badges should be worn during the trial after a successful operation in cases where the Justiciar Knight survives. The commendations and insignias should be provided post-operation by an Overseer.

I ordered two badges from: Indian Art Company ( They have a high resolution image on file (file name: dagger and skull). The two badges cost me a total of 220 USD (150 USD for badges and another 70 USD for Fedex shipping).

Damn horrible thing that has happend, Im still on my trip around Norway, and Im seeing flags all over showing their respect.
Retribution is as powerful and valid a human emotion as any other. I don't regret my own feelings against a despicable man and what I consider to be an naive justice system. As if a man who can murder dozens of youths in cold blood can be rehabilitated and put back in society, it's almost laughable.
He / they seem to have put a lot into this.
Quote :Our military uniform with commendations, insignia and badges should be worn during the trial after a successful operation in cases where the Justiciar Knight survives.

From the book:
Quote :Justiciar Knights and the PCCTS, Knights Templar uniform

Due to the clandestine nature of our military order and operations during phase 1, Justiciar Knights do not normally use typical battle dresses (battle uniforms). Instead we adopt our enemy’s uniforms (usually police “battle uniforms/armour”) and copy their exact insignias and IDs in order to cause confusion and sow hesitation. By doing this we increase each Justiciar Knights chances to effectuate his operation successfully before he is apprehended, is killed or can escape.

Attached images
Quote from flymike91 :Retribution is as powerful and valid a human emotion as any other. I don't regret my own feelings against a despicable man and what I consider to be an naive justice system. As if a man who can murder dozens of youths in cold blood can be rehabilitated and put back in society, it's almost laughable.

He won't be, though.
Quote from flymike91 :Retribution is as powerful and valid a human emotion as any other. I don't regret my own feelings against a despicable man and what I consider to be an naive justice system. As if a man who can murder dozens of youths in cold blood can be rehabilitated and put back in society, it's almost laughable.

If he can't be rehabilitated he won't be released either. Why don't you try to read up on how our system works before you dig yourself even deeper down that stupid hole you're digging.
Quote from DeadWolfBones :He won't be, though.

What happens when his sentence is up? 21 years I believe I read is the maximum in Norway.
Quote from U4IK ST8 :What happens when his sentence is up? 21 years I believe I read is the maximum in Norway.

Nah, this is wrong. It's 21 years then assessed every five years after that. They have the power to never release him if he still poses a thread to society. I've seen this reported in a few places today, but it's misleading.
Quote from U4IK ST8 :What happens when his sentence is up? 21 years I believe I read is the maximum in Norway.

Basically he can be held indefinitely if he's still considered a threat to society. He'll most likely spend the rest of his life in prison.

EDIT: It's also worth noting that the maximum sentence for severe crimes and terrorism like in this case is 30 years, not 21.
It's not wrong, 21 year is the maximum which can be given. But:
Quote :Under special circumstances, like a murder of severe cruelty, or if there is reason to believe the offender may commit murder again, additional years of imprisonment can be given.[1] This usually takes place at a court hearing near the end of the sentence.

Quote from wien :...EDIT: It's also worth noting that the maximum sentence for severe crimes and terrorism like in this case is 30 years, not 21.

Ah right, I see.
After Greek economic collapse it is another bankruptcy of UE politics - this time on security.

Norway is the country of minimum extremist number. Even thou a system of close surveillance available (as every mobile mic could be the tool) and soft penalization just doesnt work and probably never will. First, you just cant control every one, or make aware that can be, leaving with minimum persecution threat. It seems that, like in UE economics (lets spend more and more taxes to save our economy) it works just the opposite.

I wonder if some things ever be revised.
economics? wha-

If he will spend his life in prison, then justice will be served as much as it can be under the circumstances. I don't know any more about being in a Norwegian prison other that what I've read, but it is my belief that Breivik has racked up a debt of suffering that can only be repaid in the same way, which is not the Norwegian way. It is not beyond my understanding why this is, but it is against my own ideas of justice, of which every single person differs in one way or another.

Again, my sincere condolences to the entire country of Norway, and people I've offended here. There is nothing left to do but wait for the trial.
Quote from flymike91 :it is my belief that Breivik has racked up a debt of suffering that can only be repaid in the same way, which is not the Norwegian way. It is not beyond my understanding why this is, but it is against my own ideas of justice

What you're after is not justice, it's vengeance. Nothing good ever comes of that. You just end up breeding more hatred and violence.
I don't understand why the special forces didn't dropped him right there on the sight, no one would say a word, hour and a half he circled the island and killed them one by one, often checking if they're actyally dead? Horror film..
It's quite worrying that all of this shit is taking place in Northern Europe... the Finnish school shooting a few years ago and now this... fk knows what and who's next.

Edit: ↑agreed
Quote from deggis :Censored, but I didn't want to use IMG tags (read: warning): ... 27969/jpg/active/978x.jpg

Huh? That's not the guy that's been arrested, that's an actual policeman..
You will notice all the dead bodies are already covered with white blankets.
Or am I completely mistaken? In that case, someone double censored the picture with white stuff too.... It seems unlikely that they have a picture like that.
Quote from Boris Lozac :I don't understand why the special forces didn't dropped him right there on the sight, no one would say a word,

Because he surrendered immediately when the police arrived. He posed no threat to them. Personally, I'm glad. Suicide by cop would mean he wouldn't have to answer for what he did. Too easy.
Quote from RasmusL :Huh? That's not the guy that's been arrested, that's an actual policeman..

No, that's him. The kids were probably wearing white t-shirts or something.
I take it back, it probably is him. That picture IS actually censored with white over the double-censored parts! Because the picture is circulating uncensored anyway..
Quote from RasmusL :Huh? That's not the guy that's been arrested, that's an actual policeman..
You will notice all the dead bodies are already covered with white blankets.
Or am I completely mistaken? In that case, someone double censored the picture with white stuff too.... It seems unlikely that they have a picture like that.

Well, I saw that pic earlier today with another which made me think it definitely is him.

EDIT: I found the images from this forum post: #37 & 38

EDIT: I thought it might be a bit disturbing for some alright, so after the first reaction of someone seeing it I have removed the direct link to the image...