The online racing simulator
Ferrari World Design Contest 2011
(22 posts, started )
Ferrari World Design Contest 2011
Ford the second time, Ferrari has organised a world design competition in which 50 design schools around the world took part. Only 3 cars per school were allowed to be presented to the final, and due to some not very smart reasons, my school decided mine wasn't one of them.
The contest ended with a Korean school a as winner (fair winner of you ask me), second prize for my school (Istituto Europeo di Design) and third one for RCA, in London.

Click in the image below to read more about it and to see the finalists

Click in the car below to see my car, which was designed by me and two mates from Sweden an India.

There's a lot of thinking and technology innovation behind each project, don't think our task is just to sketch pretty things. If you wanna know a bit more about the concept behing mine, you can find some explanations in my portfolio:

wow nice job man. cant belive you never made it. Yours looks better than the winners designs tbh
Looks really nice

I saw the others works, and your is better in any way,


Comparado con los otros trabajos de diseño, el tuyo es superior en todos los aspectos.

Tenes las imagenes en alta resolucion?, me gustaria guardarlas

Very nice
Looks like those wheel arches would cause visibility problems, is that why your idea wasn't taken forward?
No, they wouldn't. We created the car around the 3d model of the driver and there's not such an issue. Keep in mind the windscreen is not as tall as the driver's head.
I prefer to not give details about why it wasn't selected and what happened in the contest...

Thanks for the comments guys. Gracias Inuova!!
Quote from NitroNitrous :Only 3 cars per school were allowed to be presented to the final, and due to some not very smart reasons, my school decided mine wasn't one of them.

Talk about a sore loser. That part makes you sound really stuck up.

Nice design though.
Fantastic work, too bad yours didn't make it through.

Was there any other influences (other than the project/designs involved) for other's work to go through?
yours looks more like a car.

However, many of the cars seem too futuristic, unpractical and prototype-ish.

The car at 0:59 looks very good.

I do have to say that the winner does look a lot like a Ferrari-styled car
They finally designed a car that does not catch into flames that easy?
Quote from DevilDare :...That part makes you sound really stuck up...

Honestly, we knew that from the beginning and we assumed it long time ago

Quote from Silverracer :...Was there any other influences (other than the project/designs involved) for other's work to go through?

Supposedly not
Quote from NitroNitrous :Honestly, we knew that from the beginning and we assumed it long time ago

So you were basically designing a car that you knew wont be selected no matter what?
#13 - JJ72
sometimes the competition itself isn't the be all end all, designing with what you think is right in mind makes the creation your own.
Quote from DevilDare :So you were basically designing a car that you knew wont be selected no matter what?

Not exactly, but sort of. This was actually our thesis project, wich lets say, we had the chance to present to the contest, so we had to work hard for it anyway. And as thesis project it came really well, we had a great vote
Ahh. I see. Well, it certainly did came out good.
Beautiful Car is beautiful. Lovely stuff man.
That looks really nice
Yeah, I have to agree that it looks *gorgeous*. And it looks like a Ferrari too. The others I thought were nice, but didn't seem to represent the brand as well.
Thanks for the possitive comments guys!
BTW Ferrari just got owned... they guy who won the second prize refused joining their design studio because he's got a contract with... Lamborghini!! lol Car designers are like soccer players you know... He's a good friend of mine btw
#21 - JJ72
LOL that's class, how many people can claim they have rejected Ferrari? Pretty epic.

What about yourself? Know where will you go yet?
I'm having some interviews here and there but nothing confirmed so far... most companies just came back from holidays and some others wont start recruiting until October, so I'm on it

Ferrari World Design Contest 2011
(22 posts, started )