The online racing simulator
Gymkhana Layout Idea
(16 posts, started )
Gymkhana Layout Idea ... amp;feature=youtube_gdata

I put up some idea for a gymkahna layout on youtube for some fun, very simple atm and uses some of the au kart track for parts. Still developing an idea of what to have after jumps out past the yellow drift turn.

Ideas are welcome and comments.

Green = "Donut"
Blue= "Spin"
Yellow = "Drift Sector"
Red/White objects = "Slalom/ Precision driving/drifting"
Ramps = Open invitation for madness
Attached files
AU1X_gymkahna.lyt - 820 B - 625 views
Cool layout dude, must have taken you lot of effort! I also enjoyed going out of bounds and drifting into oblivion as if am I a space traveler. Btw what car is that in the video? XRT?
when i go on the cart track i fall into the void, do i need to download somthing?? :/
Quote from HarryGillman :when i go on the cart track i fall into the void, do i need to download somthing?? :/

Make sure you have LFS version 0.6B. If you do, then I don't know what else could go wrong.
Quote from rageshgr :Cool layout dude, must have taken you lot of effort! I also enjoyed going out of bounds and drifting into oblivion as if am I a space traveler. Btw what car is that in the video? XRT?

Yes, with V8 NASCAR Engine sound iirc.
Tell me... How many times have you driven that to perfect it?

Could be quite fun to me as I do autocross/gymkhana each month here in Hartlepool! Just need to take note of the track
there is no "perfect" on gymkahna. I just drove and added stuff as I went on.

Forgot to mention: lyt free to edit and add to.
could help perfeclty if you would atleast spell it correctly and make it a PROPER gymkhana, not some ken cock bullshit.

Altough its a decent track anyone could make, it's slightly fun, but not a real gymkhana layout.
Quote from HarryGillman :when i go on the cart track i fall into the void, do i need to download somthing?? :/

also make sure ur using -open config-.

cuz the regular layout dont allow u to drive out of bounds.
it wont load the ground as driveble area..
Quote from nikopdr :could help perfeclty if you would atleast spell it correctly and make it a PROPER gymkhana, not some ken cock bullshit.

Altough its a decent track anyone could make, it's slightly fun, but not a real gymkhana layout.

you vs ken block. Who would win ?
not niko
Quote from Mustangman759 :you vs ken block. Who would win ?
not niko

Nicely done, missing my point completely. Where did I say I was better than him? I only mentioned that this is not the real gymkhana as you are just playing around the layout and not trying to be remotely fast around slaloms, 360, etc... Were you dropped on your head as a baby? Sounds like it tbh.
Quote from nikopdr :Nicely done, missing my point completely. Where did I say I was better than him? I only mentioned that this is not the real gymkhana as you are just playing around the layout and not trying to be remotely fast around slaloms, 360, etc... Were you dropped on your head as a baby? Sounds like it tbh.

I was, does that make me special too
G y m k h a n a
Quote from Fuse5 :G y m k h a n a

Even if you spell it correct, he still won't know what it is.
Quote from PMD9409 :Even if you spell it correct, he still won't know what it is.

Lol, I just saw it on DiRT 3 so wanted to try it on LFS.

Gymkhana Layout Idea
(16 posts, started )