The online racing simulator
Hacker in my server, replay and S2 name provided.
Ended up banning this kid for 999 days. I don't think he really deserves his S2 license but I'll leave that up to the admins to decide.

Patel151 is the username.
Chetan151 is the ingame name.
Attached files
hack.mpr - 129.8 KB - 423 views
I was there, witnessed this happening and called Lazlow in to deal with him.

I agree with Laz.
You can't name and shame people on the forums afaik.

Report them to the devs or moderators.
This is exactly same hack as I reported yesterday link
As far as I seen devs dont care too much about hackers, so why not report them to forum that everyone know.
I can provide at least 10 replays with S2 cheaters, and also take a look at this
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :This is exactly same hack as I reported yesterday link
As far as I seen devs dont care too much about hackers, so why not report them to forum that everyone know.
I can provide at least 10 replays with S2 cheaters, and also take a look at this

They do care.

Why you shouldn't report them here? Because there's a 'no name shame' policy here.

Your best chance would be to contact the devs directly as Victor checks the mail more often then any dev visits the forum as far as I know.
They update the cheat protection at whatever time they can if it doesn't require uncompatible patch.
Scawen stated somewhere in the latest reports (when they did update the cheat protection last time) that some parts he can't fix without uncompatible patch.
If that happened hotlappers would rage on here and so on.

Short answer: they do care, but sometimes it's not possible to please everyone.
Quote from c00kie :You can't name and shame people on the forums afaik.

Report them to the devs or moderators.

I am honestly too lazy to, and believe this is plenty of effort from me to get this guy nailed.
Just my two cents.
Plus: I don't care. he's banned off my server, I could care less if he's hacking up y'alls servers, just trying to do my part.
(Patel151) DELETED by Flame CZE : link to illegal software
I think he just reported himself to the mods !

And hopefully the devs can deal with him from here.

Always fun to watch the stupid hang themselves.
i can say that the devs do really care about problems like this,ive sent a replay to scawen about a hack and had a speedy response back
I also have positive experiences with that, there is definitly caring on that matter. Not visible to the general public though.

Which is logical, attention to it draws even more attention.
LOL, this patel guy was the very same that was using teleport hacks in LTC servers a couple of months ago!
He still hasn't left the hacks, has he? Cheating kids like this ruin the whole fun, specially when they can't even be arsed to drive themselves to wherever the hell they want to be. :mad:
Thought he had learnt his lesson when he got banned from a couple of places (or had gotten a global ban) by now.
he had told me that he got banned for 30 days already from lfs
Quote from LazLoW :I am honestly too lazy to, and believe this is plenty of effort from me to get this guy nailed.
Just my two cents.
Plus: I don't care. he's banned off my server, I could care less if he's hacking up y'alls servers, just trying to do my part.

He's been banned from [TC] since September this year for speedhacks, lol
Its Funny That I Am Not banned from lfs
Wierd Isnt It?
I wouldn't attract too much attention if I were you. It's what got you banned from that cruise team you were a member of, right? Anyway, it's a lose-lose situation.
You get banned = you're screwed.
You don't get banned = Everyone now knows you're a cheater and will humiliate you for being one until you've had enough = You're still screwed.
Quote from Patel151 :Its Funny That I Am Not banned from lfs
Wierd Isnt It?

Banned you, just in case.
LOL, posting and taunting here that you did not get banned will make all of us ban you from our servers. You have just been banned from THE most populated/popular public server in LFS above. So even before you are globally banned, you won't have almost any server to go to. I have another theory that someone else is using his account trying to sabotage. We never know
Quote from rageshgr :LOL, posting and taunting here that you did not get banned will make all of us ban you from our servers. You have just been banned from THE most populated/popular public server in LFS above. So even before you are globally banned, you won't have almost any server to go to. I have another theory that someone else is using his account trying to sabotage. We never know

Nope, it really is him. This isn't the first time he's been here for hacking. He hacked on LTC servers and then he came here, did a "report" against them (instead of going to the LTC website, he went and posted on the main forums) and then BEGGED not to be banned!
It's just one of those few pea-brained idiots who actually think they can break the rules in front of everyone and get away with it.
Quote from Patel151 :Its Funny That I Am Not banned from lfs
Wierd Isnt It?

How old are you? Your grammar indicates that you're younger than 14.
LOL! funny guy
Y u no post ip?