The online racing simulator
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :I have no clue either. If I recall correctly, I've once read some sort of speculation saying that Tony George asked for his head a few years ago for whatever reason(too close to CART? he used to be commentating both IRL and CART at that time, not a very comfortable position), but that may just be BS, I don't know.

But if that's true, maybe he could come back at some point, now that TG has stepped back.

I think he mentioned something like that on his blog, it makes for very good reading, I'm not sure if he's still writing his book but if anything like that would come out, it'd be in there or his blog.

If all else fails comment his blog and ask, he usually responds. I can see TG doing that. But Bob Jenkins also commentated CART as well however and he went on to do IRL with no (visible or documented) friction with TG.

TG absolutely hated the CART medical crew who were under contract to the Speedway during the split, never mind they were there pre CART/IRL split and had been there since the USAC/CART split (Steve Olvey and his staff) and treated them like dirt whenever Indy/NASCAR/F1 rolled around. For instance he tried to do that to them at the USGP by not letting them have anything to do with the race at all, so they were in the hospital but the FIA medics took over, this was 2001. Bernie had the last laugh however and flew them all to Brazil pretty much as VIPs, So yes, TG is enough of a control freak to do that.

From watching the broadcasts Paul was nothing but professional covering both, if ESPN had contracts for both CART and IRL he couldn't really say no could he, as he'd get told what he was covering.
okay guys race is coming, who do you think will win?

Im Guessing Hinchcliffe
Quote from Mustafur :okay guys race is coming, who do you think will win?

Im Guessing Hinchcliffe

Rubens from Helio after TK takes Power out. Dixon to run out of fuel, Franchitti to get tangled on pit pit and Briscoe being his usual self and white-walling T4.
I'm just ready to get this baby started

Will the engines last all 500 miles today!?
Marty Reid is commentating still!? Just Great

Both of the Lotus cars have been black flaged already. Expected..
Quote from Yuri Laszlo :Rubens from Helio after TK takes Power out. Dixon to run out of fuel, Franchitti to get tangled on pit and Briscoe being his usual self and white-walling T4.

One down, 4 to go.
IZOD IndyCar Series ‏@IndyCar
Incident between Viso and Franchitti on pit lane was investigated. No action taken. #Indy500 #indycar2012

Cars don't seem so awsome when they don't rev as high as last year.
Looool lotus. Found a french commentated stream that works on iphone
Go Sato go!
Wow, Franchitti is flying.
Welp, there goes Power's streak.
Flying tire no big deal ill just play chicken with it
Power coulda avoided that, but he locked up the brakes.
Good thing about the car in this accident... the high sidepod kept it away from wall and fence, high roll device kept it away from the fencing.
Terrible luck for Marco there.
Sato has a real shot to win this thing.
Bad stop for Sato.

Run to the finish will be pretty interesting.
I'll hold comment on the quality of the racing until the end, but so far it's been a little lacking. Yeah, there's been alot of LFS style two car swaps but passing seems like it's rather difficult.

It would be nice if it was possible to go side by side through the turn without slowing both vehicles down considerably. That might be a little unrealistic at Indy though
Quote from Cornys :I'll hold comment on the quality of the racing until the end, but so far it's been a little lacking. Yeah, there's been alot of LFS style two car swaps but passing seems like it's rather difficult.

It would be nice if it was possible to go side by side through the turn without slowing both vehicles down considerably. That might be a little unrealistic at Indy though

Your lack of experience watching Indy racing is becoming more and more obvious.
I figured it went without being said.
Marco Andretti out...terrible luck Oh, and with 11 to go too.
#498 - CSF
Nothing unlucky in making an error like that.
Let's go, cleanup crew!
that was just a really bad decision

2012 IndyCar Series
(957 posts, started )