Turn off split times? best PB ect..
Hi guys i know this may sound like a piece of cake to others but i have no idea to turn off the best split times,best PB, ect. or where i might find it? it gets in the way now and again. ive put a pic up so you know what im talking about. Thanks in advance
Attached images
#2 - Krayy
If you are using the default installation, it will be in the defPitInfo.lpr file in the OnSpbSplit* functions. Either remove the file from the addonsused.lpr or just comment out the openProvButton statement in the functions.
The one on top is from LFS itself.

Options -> Display -> Checkpoint text -> [none]
(LFSMasterMan) DELETED by LFSMasterMan
Quote from Krayy :If you are using the default installation, it will be in the defPitInfo.lpr file in the OnSpbSplit* functions. Either remove the file from the addonsused.lpr or just comment out the openProvButton statement in the functions.

The defPitInfo.lpr has its own file? should i just delete that ?
#5 - Krayy
Quote from LFSMasterMan :The defPitInfo.lpr has its own file? should i just delete that ?

Each of the .lpr files in the includes directory are specifically included by a line in the "addonsused.lpr" file. If you delete the defPitInfo.lpr file without removing or commenting out the line in the addonsuder.lpr file, then Lapper will most likely fail on startup
Thanks man everything seems to be working fine now