This is where it gets interesting, the US is currently claiming that all info that is held under a .net, .org, .com address belongs to the US, and by extension, any info that passes through a .net, .org, .com address also belongs to the US. This also includes all emails for telecom, who are our biggest ISP and have contracted Yahoo to handle email for them. ... net-websites-jurisdiction
Currently this is yet to be discussed by a NZ court but this is the case the US is making in trying to get extradition in US courts, if this work's in the US, which it probably will, they then need to convince a NZ court. Fortunately that's fairly unlikely, given the NZ courts opinion of the US case up to date.
And claiming Kim posted CP ?, even we've not made that as a part of the case, and our Security Farces are desperate to not look like the pack of tossers they're currently appearing like, even the PM is ducking for cover regarding his involvement so if that was possible, they'd have made that point 6 months ago......
Let's just say that in NZ any cloud based services ( looking at you google, microsoft etc ) are pissing against the wind to get customers ATM.
And the latest update here......
UPDATE / Jan 16: MediaWorks has pulled a series of ads placed by Kim Dotcom to promote his new file sharing service Mega, launching January 20.
An insider at MediaWorks told NBR ONLINE the move was made in response to pressure from music and movie advertisers.
The ads were whipped off air shortly after they first aired on The Edge and seven other stations earlier today. Dotcom told NBR ONLINE the ads were placed exclusively with Mediaworks stations.
Spokeswoman Rachel Lorimar told NBR the spots were taken off air for "commercial reasons" and that "this is a unique situation."
She refused to comment further.
Kim Dotcom tweeted this afternoon "Apparently some music labels complained to MediaWorks about our radio ads. Booking of over 500 ad plays terminated. Wow!!!"
A rep for the Recording Industry Association of NZ (Rianz) was not immediately able to comment but was seeking more information on record companies' alleged involvement.
NZFACT, which lobbies on behalf of the major Hollywood studios, did not immediately return NBR's call.
In follow-up tweets, Dotcom said, "Not blaming MediaWorks. They are a great company with great people. It's the music labels that are abusing their power, again."
He also offered to sell the ads to other radio stations if they would email him with terms. ... ulls-kim-dotcom-radio-ads