The online racing simulator
Baltic Cup 2012: Round 10 (Info & Discussion)
Date: 16.02.2012
Time: 21:00 (UTC +2)
Car(s): MRT
Track: KY21 (Kyoto North) (Layout down below)
Laps: 33
Server name: Baltic Cup 2012 (hosted by J.Marcinkevicius)
Server password: bc12
Pitstop: 1 Mandatory (free work)

Everyone should get in the server 10 minutes before 21:00, so we could set up the grid and start on time.
Good luck and let's have fun! Remember, password will be changed seconds before the race start, so don't be late.

[B]Qualifying dates for round 10:[/B]

[B]Date:[/B] 14.02.2012.
[B]Time:[/B] 22:00-23:00
[B]Server:[/B] LFS Estonia
[B]Password:[/B] est

[B]Date:[/B] 14:02.2012.
[B]Time:[/B] 21:30-22:30
[B]Server:[/B] Tiger Express Motorsports
[B]Password:[/B] bclv

[B]Date:[/B] 14.02.2012
[B]Time:[/B] 21:30
[B]Server:[/B] Baltic Cup 2012
[B]Password:[/B] bclt

All times are in UTC +2
Other country representatives should inform me about their qualification dates at least 2 days before their qualification.

Feel free to discuss or ask questions.
Attached files
KY2X_K21.lyt - 1 KB - 227 views
gonna be interesting to do a pitstop on this track
#3 - sjava
First time MRT used in Baltic cup (correct me if im wrong) , too bad I cant come.
Added Latvian qualification.
Reno added Estonian qualification but forgot to mention that i guess
Put me in the reserve list for Thursday.
Here is the qualification layout, it must be used in every country qualification. Attached.

Edit: Also, trying to take an extra-speed from pit-lane is disallowed. If we notice someone is using it, +1 second will be added to his best lap-time.
Attached files
KY2X_K21_BC_Qual.lyt - 1.1 KB - 212 views
(Sobis) DELETED by Sobis : post isn't needed anymore
Just a short note to Lithuanians because we only have 3 people now in server:

Chebra,dabar jau vyksta kvalifikacija,davai nepatingėkit,ateikit ir suvažiuokit,lengvas combo,jei reiks seto - duosim,nepaveskim gi,3 žmonės kvaloj - gėda.

Sorry for lithuanian,but i think it's easyer to get to them by speaking in native language.
(Sobis) DELETED by Sobis
I'd like to be in the reserve.
Put me in the reserve list. T.Gedminas
Stupid clock