The online racing simulator
Sucks to live in North America
Game so boring for North America

Hello. It's been a long long time since I played this. I finally re-installed it a few computers later. I don't really want to have to go digging for the wheel and all the maintenance of the pedals.... Will this game do OK with a mouse? It's what I used when I started playing. I dunno. I really used to love this game. there wasn't anything like it and doubt there really is.
you can join the servers in Europe.... duh?
Quote from Racer Y :.... Will this game do OK with a mouse?

Sure, lots of peoples are still playing with a mouse, although it is best experienced with a wheel. Welcome back and hope you enjoy yourself.
Quote from Racer Y :Hello. It's been a long long time since I played this. I finally re-installed it a few computers later. I don't really want to have to go digging for the wheel and all the maintenance of the pedals.... Will this game do OK with a mouse? It's what I used when I started playing. I dunno. I really used to love this game. there wasn't anything like it and doubt there really is.

I was using mouse 2-3 years.My pb on bl1 with XFG is 1:33.740 and i am 1.5-7s slower on almost every track and car from the fast people with wheel.Now i am using DFGT
Quote from Racer Y :I don't really want to have to go digging for the wheel and all the maintenance of the pedals.... Will this game do OK with a mouse?

Well, I've used mouse for a couple of years, reverted back to KB. I'll get a wheel eventually.

As for joining popular servers: joining a server from Chicago at 12PM will be joining a server in the Netherlands at 7PM. (iirc). Like right now, it's 2:23 AM, and I should be sleeping. Whilst in the Netherlands, it's 9:23 AM, and everyone is waking up.
Just something you have to live with unless you want to move to Europe.
#9 - Danas
yeah it kind of sucks to come back from work in the PM and seeing that theres only a couple of people racing, sad. im not counting the drifters, demo crashers and cruisers ofcourse.
Quote from nikopdr :Maybe you would want a reasonable ping... duh?

my ping to European server is fine and reasonable? derp
Quote from nikopdr :Maybe you would want a reasonable ping... duh?

What's reasonable ?

I can remember 56k gaming with a ping of 400, pretty much the same as I get nowadays to the Aussie iR servers. A new modem dropped this to about 130, which is probably what I get to the US iR servers now.

Given that a lot of console gaming is p2p hosted on home connections, I imagine the ping is in the 2-400 range most of the time too.
Chicago is 100 ms. Which is high but not unreasonable. It's more important that there is no or not much jitter. 56k analog has much jitter due to being analog. With digital lines and fiber optics the jitter is lower. But, the larger the distance the more chance on jitter anyway.

The problem with all this is that I had opened a server last year in San Francisco but nobody was interested and the eastern side of the US has much lower pings due to a low ping hub in NY so people close to NY do connect to Europe based servers most of the time.

LFS need to support server redirection. With COD2 it already was possible to move a connecting player to a different server automatically. It's the only way to make LFS more popular globally.

But eeeeeeeehhh... We have to wait on other progress first. I'm afraid
I don't think this complaint is about connection. It's about the servers being empty when it's the evening in america
Quote from DeathItself :I don't think this complaint is about connection. It's about the servers being empty when it's the evening in america

LFS should employ some marketing for their awesome game!!!

No one is around when I get home from work at 4pm... no one is around till 8am the next day when I leave for work.

Basically, when I'm working everyone of you motha$&%^ is playing video games LOL

and maybe an update
As far as I know all, or most, of the marketing has bee done by word of mouth and other social media. We need to make more videos, and tag them similar to popular racing games so they pop up more on youtube.