You clearly know you cameras and effects, but I think it gets quite boring to watch the same things over and over again

If I could suggest something that would be to improve your editing skills, I mean editing clip after clip and adding some effects is rather simple, but I ment in a more advanced way. It would make your videos so much more enjoyable to watch.
There's tons of way you can make the clip transitions more "cooler". You can use a lot of the trackside objects such as the pitwalls, tirestacks, bridges and even moving cars.
Let me show you a few examples which might give you some new ideas to work on for your next video?
In this video, you can see how I've used the walls, tirestacks and moving cars as a transition from track to track and clip to clip.
And in this video aswell, you can see how I used the KY3 bridge and oval pit-wall as a clip transition (at :48) and tirestacks (at 1:23).
You can also use the editing to make something that makes the viewer go "wtf, that's not possible is it?" By swinging the camera around,
like I did in this video when the rally cars comes out of the rallyX at the same time as the Formula cars comes from the chicane (back in the day when I did this video there was no open configurations, the tracks were separatly locked).
This and
this might give you some ideas aswell, the "freezing car" idea I never got to use properly except for once.
I'm saying/showing you all this because it would be cool to see your already good talents grow even further, by always trying to find new things to surprise the viewers with. It's ofcourse more time demanding but more rewarding for yourself aswell when you always find something new to do, you have good footage to work with aswell since you seem to be in to drifting videos, best of luck