Genuine Racing invites you to some casual fun

Many of us, like me, don't allways have the time (or enough skills...erhmmm) to join the seasonlong leagues, for the likings of me casual racing is the deal. But, this game is starting to take it's toll due to it's age, and I usually gets pretty fast tired of various track/car combos.

Therfor, to please myself (now that did sound dirty didn't it?), I have came up with the idea (it's not really an idea, everyone does the same in some way) of having an server where I will launch various kind of games and racing. By that I mean that depend on the mood it will be Destruction Derby, autocross racing, rally, football (which is bloody fun lol), racing or other interesting types of activities.

Thanks to me lovely and understandable team (I just had to give a blowjob to each and one of them... damnit) I have been given allowance to use one of our team servers for this purpose, so therfor I would like to invite you to "& R4R GEN TBO".

Now, I play casual, so I won't be that much online, but each time I am online and up for some casual fun I will give a notice in this thread, so we can gather up some casuals for some fun.

So, I am heading online now, again at "& R4R GEN TBO", and todays activity will be XRT derby on oval with layout (including jumps and free cookies).
Alltho I don't like rules, I got to have some so we don't have people ragequiting.

* No wrong way driving
* No roadblocks - If you car however is turned upside down you are allowed to stay on your place.

For the ones that is new to this layout I will give some vague hints of what you can expect:
* Only road parts
* Fast flowing with a high speed chicane
* Jumps
* Minefield (this is a funny addition to the layout, and you gotta find a good line or react fast to survive it)

So, enough chit chat, again, & R4R GEN TBO , Destruction Derby with XRT. Please follow those few rules and remember - have fun! I won't have any fighting
#2 - Hahmo
I have about an hour to race so if anyone wants to come
Will be back after 8 UTC tho for more.
We are so far 11 on the server now, join for more fun
#4 - Sobis
Never happend
Ah ok, some cheap shots may occure, but I encurage following the rules unless you are admin

Edit: Done for today, I'll let you know next time I'll head online and adminstrate the server.
#6 - Hahmo
Was fun
Enjoyed muchly! was a change from only really been able to drift or race on cargame! (which i've not done much of at all actually)
Thanks for the kind replies!
If you have ideas or thoughts to next time, post 'em here and we'll have a brainstorming
This time around we will be doing some rally!
The track will be FE6Y with custom layout. The layout is a combination of FE6 and FE5, with jokerlap. Sadly, since I am a miserable **** and canot do insim, we have to do manually checking of the jokerlap - so please no cheating.

The car today is the XRT. RB4 is too easy, but I might enable it later on if everyone keeps whining about it
Going online in around 5 minutes at:
And since derby was more popular than rally last week, it's desided that we'll fire off a derby evening today too!

XRT on oval with custom layout
Join for some fun and surprises!

Need skins?
The server is now up, running sprint races!
We're doing the FE2X track, on the mini-oval

Non-contact this time, racing!