The online racing simulator
BF1 Slows down at high speeds
(36 posts, started )
I'm still not sure about it being the pots on the pedals, the only time the pedals have done this is with the BF1. They have never behaved like this with any other car & and all my testing shows 100% on the throttle.
Yes, I know these Red & Black Formula Forces are getting on a bit and it is a possiblity ( and maybe a good excuse to get a DFP ) but it still seems strange that others are getting similar problems with the same car.

Also, I'd definitely notice it with the UF1 when your always at full throttle ( + choke !! )

Anyone like to give me a DFP to test ???
SamH just showed that it's indeed the pedals. The only other reasons it could happen to different people were already listed in this thread, namely bottoming out and hitting the rev limiter.

TC is definitely not the cause of the pedal going back, as the TC in the BF1 only cuts the engine and leaves the throttle alone - unlike the FZ50 TC, which does work by taking away throttle.
Wouldn't you guys think it is a number of things which cause the slowdown?

Travelling at near-topspeed with the Aero you have + tire pressures + plus traction control + gearing and gear choice = Could equal that the amount of traction/friction is what slows the car down??? It is very possible for when the car reaches its limit. And gear choice is important because some people do not shift down in corners which need higher RPMs to keep the speed at a steady rate. If your gearing is too sluggish, well

And if it is the pedals or throttle being cut in the game, then the only thing I could think of is the Traction Control. It is the only thing that controls your throttle in the game (Throttle Help was removed iirc). Other than this, not sure.
@Tweak: No, it can't be the TC on the BF1 Try it out, the TC on BF1 cuts the engine, not the throttle "pedal" (like the FZ50 TC does).
Even though it doesn't "show" the throttle being cut, it doesn't mean that it isn't the TC. Clearly, the TC in the BF1 is having both the throttle and clutch interacting. Unless it is controlling engine power output or something, but I think that seems wierd if that were true. Either way, the TC does slow you down in corners.
Atleast in the replay of Racer X it's not TC. There you clearly see the throttle going down, without the blue LED flashing up
I know it sounds wierd but, I am almost wondering if it is the old "Throttle Help" control still being active in the players Config file ??? Not sure... but it is a guess... because the old Throttle Help feature did this all the time. The option was removed in this version, but hmmm, possibility maybe.

If anyone has this slowdown problem, can you please post your cfg.txt file???
Here you go
Attached files
cfg.txt - 4.2 KB - 276 views
Quote from Tweaker :
If anyone has this slowdown problem, can you please post your cfg.txt file???

No problem
Attached files
cfg.txt - 4.1 KB - 233 views
Quote from Tweaker :Clearly, the TC in the BF1 is having both the throttle and clutch interacting. Unless it is controlling engine power output or something, but I think that seems wierd if that were true. Either way, the TC does slow you down in corners.

TC indeed controls engine power output in BF1, not throttle and clutch
What the...
Why's this thread still going? Didn't SamH just post a smoking gun showing the guy's throttle pedal malfunctioning?

BF1 Slows down at high speeds
(36 posts, started )