I normally use an online translator, but as this is something a bit more important i need it to be as spot on as possible, any spaniards here able to help me.
Basically, theres a week long rave event called HTID in the sun on in lloret de mar this week, and the first night she got there, my mate chanel has managed to lose her phone, and as much of a long shot as it is, i was wondering if someone could convert the following into spanish so i can text it to the phone in the hope that a local has found it.
"Hello, this phone belongs to a lady called chanel, who is here in spain on holiday and she has lost it, she is staying at the Rosanna Apartments, Rambla de Romà Barnés, 2317310 Lloret de Mar, Spain, 972 36 34 59, and would be very greatful if the finder of this phone could please take it to the reception of that hotel, a reward of 20 euros is offered for its return."
Many thanks in advance
Basically, theres a week long rave event called HTID in the sun on in lloret de mar this week, and the first night she got there, my mate chanel has managed to lose her phone, and as much of a long shot as it is, i was wondering if someone could convert the following into spanish so i can text it to the phone in the hope that a local has found it.
"Hello, this phone belongs to a lady called chanel, who is here in spain on holiday and she has lost it, she is staying at the Rosanna Apartments, Rambla de Romà Barnés, 2317310 Lloret de Mar, Spain, 972 36 34 59, and would be very greatful if the finder of this phone could please take it to the reception of that hotel, a reward of 20 euros is offered for its return."
Many thanks in advance