The online racing simulator
How do I setup a private server?
Me and my friends just want to have some fun with a few layouts I created on a private server, but I don't know how to set it up. Every time I try to host a server with the Start New Host option I get an error called -
TCP Socket : Bind Failed
So can anyone please help me ?
Turn off your firewall or allow LFS to open up the ports you specify.
Quote from :Turn off your firewall or allow LFS to open up the ports you specify.

what do you mean by let LFS open ports?

Open that port in your router, it's LFS Hosting port.
Quote from rockclan :63392

Open that port in your router, it's LFS Hosting port.

But how do I do that?
If TCP binding fails then its a firewall which is blocking that. When you tackled the firewall issue then most probably your router needs to be configured correctly too.. But that is step two.

We have no idea what you are doing at your computer, which firewall you installed/configured, what operating system we are talking about here etcetc.
Quote from :If TCP binding fails then its a firewall which is blocking that. When you tackled the firewall issue then most probably your router needs to be configured correctly too.. But that is step two.

We have no idea what you are doing at your computer, which firewall you installed/configured, what operating system we are talking about here etcetc.

I use windows 7 64bit and as far as I know its Windows Firewall but I use Norton 360 virus protection and it has a firewall option. I contacted my broadband provider and they explained how to open up a port for LFS but I still get the exact same error even though I opened the port (TCP Socket:Bind failed).
Thanks for any help, much appreciated.
Norton Firewall is the one that should be operating, as Norton disables Windows firewall (at least on default settings). If you set it to "Allow" on traffic rules the firewall should not be the problem.