Looking for a car setup? Car Setup Websites
(47 posts, started )
Looking for a car setup? Car Setup Websites
Are you looking for a setup and can't find one?

Here is a list of currently avalilable websites which allow you to download lots of setups for every car/track in LFS.

Hotlap setups, race setups, drag setups, or setups just for fun.

LFS Car Setup Websites

Setupgrid - setupgrid.net
Setup Field - teaminferno.webgalaxy.hu/index.php?p_section=setup
!ce.Spy - tracker.ice-wolves.de/set
Oooh, what a comprehensible list. That will definitely stop people from asking for specific setups.
Quote from Yuri Laszlo :Oooh, what a comprehensible list. That will definitely stop people from asking for specific setups.

I agree that it looks a bit empty but I think those links were missing in the setups thread, although already being included in many pages with LFS-related links.
yes, thank you very much for this great site setups
Setupfield is down, and I'm afraid for permanent.
Talking about down.... What about lfsdatabase?
Quote from cargame.nl :Talking about down.... What about lfsdatabase?

Sorry for off-topic:

Yes, since 500servers is down, lfsdatabase is down too. And as I don't have a backup of the site, the chance of restoring it is small
Quote from Franky.S :working fine for me

At the time of my post, it was showing some Hungarian hosting packages.
It was showing this:
Attached images
Setupfield error.jpg
Quote from Flame CZE :And as I don't have a backup of the site,

Also not the general structure?

Edit by Flame: continuing via PM :P
flame CZE
What if I'm looking for GT2 setups? From what I've heard, having a GTR setup and just adding the restriction isn't exactly a GT2 setup. What I mean is that a "proper" GT2 set is a lot faster than a GTR set+restriction. Have I heard bad?

Anyway, is there a place where I could get them?
setupgrid has alot of sets made by niki for gt2. usually called "zeus".

failing that just ask on cargame.
Quote from Franky.S :setupgrid has alot of sets made by niki for gt2. usually called "zeus".

failing that just ask on cargame.

Fwanky plis giv me all ur sets
they suck too much

just steal them anyways
Meh, I've noticed that there is a way to steal them, but I don't think it worths bothering to do that. I've got manners lol

Just kidding anyway.
Quote from edge3147 :Is setupgrid working for anyone else?

"Server not found

Firefox can't find the server at www.setupgrid.net."

I only ask because http://www.isitdownrightnow.com says "Setupgrid.net is UP and reachable."

I've been having the same issue for about 3 weeks. I think its a problem on their end since I've seen a couple of people asking on cargame why its not working, so maybe someone should try to contact them.

Meanwhile I'm using http://setupfield.teaminferno.hu/ even tho setup range is poor, its still better than nothing.

Right and since Dave claims that its allright at his end, maybe we should try through some nl proxy. Will do that later.


Working just fine through proxy.
Setupgrid working fine for me also