The online racing simulator
Looking to replace or upgrade (where is my bottle neck)
I guess I am wondering where my bottle neck is with my system. It was built in 2007 and I am trying to make up my mind if I want to build a new computer or upgrade what I have.

What I currently have:

Windows XP Pro SP2
Dual Core Pentium 4 3.4GHZ
Radeon X1550 512Mb
2Gb Ram

LFS is running:
Low graphics (lowest LOD and compressed textured, no detail in mirror)

With this setup I am running LFS relatively stable but in large packs or on open configs it gets iffy. I run LFS on low graphics I have the occasional FPS scare where things will drop to 15-25FPS for a few seconds where the load gets really heavy. I am trying to make up my mind if I want to just throw in some ram and maybe a video card or if I should go for a MoBo/CPU/SSD/Vid card (basically build a new system using my existing case and CD drives/network card/sound card)...or go whole hog and go all new.

I know this is tough without specifying a budget, but I mainly want to know where the bottle neck is. Is it just a lack of RAM, or video card, or is the whole CPU (which would most likely lead to a new MoBo) no longer adequate. Basically I am not doing heavy 3D modelling or video editing, I want to play LFS at medium-to-high graphics settings with confidence in a pack and/or on a open configuration. Can throwing some RAM at this computer bring me up to snuff, or do I need to start to look into replacing a lot of components?
#2 - robt
If its LFS youre having trouble with its most likely the CPU being a bottleneck. Pentium 4's were long in the tooth in '07, so 5 years later you can probably get the idea of how good they are compared to modern stuff.
your bottleneck doesnt exist
this is a 6-8 year old pc its simply way old tech
#4 - hp999
I would replace the whole rig, it won't last for much longer and you'll have to upgrade sooner or later in the future. The bottleneck doesn't exist.
Ok, with some research I have come to the same conclusion.

I am looking into replacing the system. I will re-use the case, CD drives, monitor, network card, sound card ( always use a logitech head set, may not even bother with it), maybe the power supply (its 450W...may go for more)

Lets say the budget is $1000, I would like to try dual monitors. I am not doing 3D modelling or HD video editing. I just play LFS and browse the net. I would like LFS to run at medium-High graphics with rock solid FPS (willing to sacrifice image qualify in exchange for FPS) on an open configuration in heavy traffic.

I am thinking of this:
MoBo: ... aspx?Item=N82E16813131831
CPU: ... aspx?Item=N82E16819115071
Ram: ... aspx?Item=N82E16820233185

I would like to try a small-ish (~125GB) SSD for the OS and game installs, and the a big 'ol conventional drive for mass storage.
SSD: ... amp;Page=2#scrollFullInfo

For vid card, I was thinking of this: ... =ASUS%20HD7770-DC-1GD5-V2 but it is getting poor reliability reviews so I may find something similar...any suggestions

I am not required to purchase from NewEgg, i just wanted a good informative site with Canadian prices. I plan to choose the components then start to price compare from supplier vs supplier.

This will be my first time I have built my own computer. I have always used home built computers, but they were built by family members. I am confident I can do it, I have put computers together before. I just have never selected parts before.
I am not looking to wait on parts being released, I would like to do this sooner rather than later. Also, I am not 100% married to AMD graphics but I have never used Nividia and AMD has never given me problems.

Any opinions on the Sapphire 100314-3L Radeon HD6870

I do not follow hardware trends very closely
GTX 660 and GTS 650 Ti are due to be released in August, and they will pretty likely kick AMD's ass like 670 and 680 did in their own categories. It's your call.

AMD is also right in the middle of dropping their card pricing due to taking a beating from NV lately. Might want to wait a month and get a 7870 GHz edition for 299 USD once stores have adjusted for the new prices.