The online racing simulator
Lithuanian Language Pack
(43 posts, started )
Lithuanian Language Pack
So, finally I made the Lithuanian Language Pack

Pack includes:

- main language file
- help file
- lessons
- keys_lithuanian.pdf
- autocross_lithuanian (found in docs)

Everything is translated, except "Scrub" from Live Suspension view, because I couldn't find short Lithuanian word for it, so if anybody has any ideas, feel free to inform me

Currently I'm trying to catch bugs of this translation, so it's version is 0.99 beta. Soon I will release final version. Just want to check everything - error messages, some terms etc.

Egidijus "Mejlus"
Attached files - 176.6 KB - 2111 views
very good mate THANKS/ACIU

Scawen, could you please add this language pack to next test patch?
Gonna try it.

Found a bug in line "End Race"
#4 - DDM
thx for the patch
sweiki wisi lietuviai cia biski ne itema zodziu as ir Raimyz666 esam sukure drifto klana ir jieskom daugiau nariu nes esam tik 2 kolkas.. musu drifto komanda wadinas
Underground Drift Zone [UDZ] [tik lietuviams] kas susidomejot ar norit stot rasykit man i skype : sunguy1
reikes isbandyti
Geras wertimas thnx
papildziau sena txt faila veikia puikiai su test path x2 jei rasit klaidu prasykit cia
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Lithuanian.rar - 17.1 KB - 1061 views
vel atnaujinau kad veiktu su x10 versija jei rasit klaidu , rasykit cia
Attached files
Lithuanian.rar - 17.1 KB - 978 views
I'd like to add this to the translation system.

Actually I wrote to you some months ago, mejlus, but I think maybe you didn't get my mail.

Maybe you and someone else would like to become the official translators for Lithuanian?

The lesson texts are now obsolete but what we need is the main translation file and some parts of the help file done.

If you want me to add it to the system, please let us know. In the online system it's very easy to see any missing text strings every time we add new ones.
thanks/ Ačiū
Just downloaded it, and it's so cool. But there still are some untranslated things in Options. But still Good job/katik parpumpavau, viskas zjbs, tiktai nustatymuose yra biškį neišverstų dalykų. Bet vistiek zjbs
very good job guys, was born in lithuania but living in uk now so i dont need it really that much but very well done for translating it

Quote from Scawen :I'd like to add this to the translation system.

Actually I wrote to you some months ago, mejlus, but I think maybe you didn't get my mail.

Maybe you and someone else would like to become the official translators for Lithuanian?

The lesson texts are now obsolete but what we need is the main translation file and some parts of the help file done.

If you want me to add it to the system, please let us know. In the online system it's very easy to see any missing text strings every time we add new ones.

mejlus is gone somewhere, talk to mxpxun he is updating the translation currently.

Thank you both majlus and mxpxun for your efforts.
OK, mxpxun, would you like us to add it to our online translation system and assign you as the author?

If so, what should I do, take the text from your post and the help file from the original post?

And do tell me if you'd like someone else assigned as well (many of the languages have two people assigned to them).
i am trying to translate to LT form x10 to x38 but i stuck on lessons so maby in short time it will be done, i made hlep text allready, its better than old , so when i will finish i will post language pack here
Thanks for your reply!

Actually we don't need the lessons, for it to be an official translation. All we need is the main language file and the help file. We can add them to our system even if they are not finished, then you can edit them online.

That's ok to do, I still won't release them in the patch unless you say you are happy with them.

If you'd like us to put the help and language file on the system and assign you to it, just attach them here so I have the latest versions.
well i would be pleased to see my Language translation in LFS. I think it is finished at this time so u can add it to next patch , it works fine with x39
P.S. jei rasit klaidu butinai parasykit cia pasistenksiu istaisyt, greitu laiku tureciau imest pamokas , autokroso nauja vetrima ir komandu txt faila.
Attached files - 25.6 KB - 1349 views
OK, it's on our system - I've sent you an email!
Here it is!

I finaly finished my LT language translation
Pack includes:
main language
help text
and autocross

I didnt finished to translate commands.txt text, because i dont have mutch free time, if any one can translat it, than please do it and place it here.


P.S. puikiai veikai su x39 versija. Jei rasit klaidu butinai praneskit !!
Attached files
LT language - 48.3 KB - 1393 views
Thank you and well done!

I've saved the lesson texts and the Autocross instructions to my patch folder. I did not save the main file and help file - I will take them from the online system.
Just tried it. Great work, mxpxun
I found some mistakes here and there and some words/phrases I would have translated differently...

Should I change/correct those minor bugs and upload txt files here or maybe I can contact you through Skype, mxpxun ?
MarioX, your updates will be too late for Patch Y. Sorry we didn't get Lithuanian tested and on our system a bit earlier - anyway I hope the errors weren't too bad.

Anyway, for the future, you guys can decide between you how you will go about it. I should just say, we can add more than one person assigned to a language - actually that is the case with most languages. So we could add you as well, MarioX, if both of you want that.
Scawen i just noticed that when u go to options / display / interface / here is everything in en , u can not edit thous words, because they are not in main txt file. Is this some bug or u forgot to add them to main language file or thous words are in other file?
Hi there.

Sorry, I must have missed Scawen's email somewhere

It's nice that somenone continued my work.
Thanks for giving me access to online translations, Scawen.

Yesterday mxpxun and me checked and changed quite many inconsistencies there
But most of them were more of stylistic nature (finding better words or getting rid of bloated/inaccurate sentences). There were only a couple of factual errors maybe - surely not a problem for now...

We'll keep Lithuanian translations updated

Lithuanian Language Pack
(43 posts, started )